:( nothing's working

Okay, so here's the deal.
I've stuck to my daily calories, my daily carbs, always way under my sodium, a lot of the time over on sugar but nothing major. I also drink about 12-15 glasses of water a day. I always eat 3 meals and sometimes have a snack as well. I try not to eat straight away before going to bed...I've tried everything I can think of!!
I've been using MFP for 4/5 weeks now and lost 3.6lbs. My weight is just stuck on a plateau now and doesn't seem to want to shift. As for the 'in 5 weeks you will weigh.....lbs'...it HAS NOT happened!
I'm not too bothered about loosing the pounds, its more another inch or so on the stomach as I come towards the end of my weight loss. I am doing the 30DS DVD and walk everyday to and from work (40-45min each way) and I'm a waitress 3-5 days a week which means I'm on my feet for between 4-12 hours a shift!
Any ideas why it just won't shift? My body is very toned now, my legs are like rocks, so are my arms...but my stomach is like a balloon...and I'm really not exaggerating!
I have 5 weeks before I go on holiday...it is REALLY getting me down :(


  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    You only have 4 lbs left? You should probably switch your settings to lose .5 lb per week instead of what it is at now. You most likely are not eating enough. Also, what do you have your activity settings set to? Since you are on your feet a lot it probably needs to be set to active.
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    It's currently set to lightly active. On my iPhone app it suggests Lightly active for a waitress. But this week, I guess I have done 35 hours + the walk to/from work so this week maybe it should have been set higher...
    This whole thing is driving me bananas!
  • Jacquierose
    Jacquierose Posts: 14
    This is actually very healthy weight loss. I was in the same situation in the past, and I hired a personal trainer who told me this is common among her clients who are trying to scratch those last lbs. Stay focused and don't give up!! Also - My personal trainer had told me at the time that for any progress with those last lbs, that I had to stay far, far away from alcohol and coffee. She said after those lbs are off you can reintroduce those two things, but they interfere with weight loss. Also, try drinking more green tea and spicy foods to speed up your metabolic rate :)
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    It's currently set to lightly active. On my iPhone app it suggests Lightly active for a waitress. But this week, I guess I have done 35 hours + the walk to/from work so this week maybe it should have been set higher...
    This whole thing is driving me bananas!
    Ahh! Sounds tiring. What is your weight loss goal per week set at? Or what are your calorie goals per day set at?
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I think your weight loss is healthy. The last few pounds should come off at about 1/2 pound per week.
  • brndabrnda
    brndabrnda Posts: 3
    ok, so you have lost 3.6 pounds so far. Maybe that doesn't seem like much, but did you notice what other positive changes you have made? Just read what you have written:

    " I've stuck to my daily calories, my daily carbs, always way under my sodium, a lot of the time over on sugar but nothing major. I also drink about 12-15 glasses of water a day. I always eat 3 meals and sometimes have a snack as well. I try not to eat straight away before going to bed. I am doing the 30DS DVD and walk everyday to and from work (40-45min each way)"

    here's my suggestion -- put your scale in another room of your house, far away from where it normally is. leave it there for 2 whole weeks, and continue your good habits of food logging, and keeping your exercise and calorie goals in check.

    I also joined in April and have only lost 4 pounds so far. I was getting obsessed with that darn scale numbe
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    This is actually very healthy weight loss. I was in the same situation in the past, and I hired a personal trainer who told me this is common among her clients who are trying to scratch those last lbs. Stay focused and don't give up!! Also - My personal trainer had told me at the time that for any progress with those last lbs, that I had to stay far, far away from alcohol and coffee. She said after those lbs are off you can reintroduce those two things, but they interfere with weight loss. Also, try drinking more green tea and spicy foods to speed up your metabolic rate :)

    I never drink coffee and rarely drink alcohol anyway so think I do OK with them. As for green tea - cannot stand it but maybe I should make myself like it. I do like spicy food...have to be careful though...I suffer from IBS :(
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    It's currently set to lightly active. On my iPhone app it suggests Lightly active for a waitress. But this week, I guess I have done 35 hours + the walk to/from work so this week maybe it should have been set higher...
    This whole thing is driving me bananas!
    Ahh! Sounds tiring. What is your weight loss goal per week set at? Or what are your calorie goals per day set at?

    Currently set to 1lb a week and 1200 calories...?
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    i mean.. you're down to like 3-4 pounds of weight loss. are you worried more about the number on the scale or how your body actually feels?

    anyway... eat a lot of fat and protein and try to get rid of sugar if you can. that might work... but don't expect things to go fast. most of the time anything worthwhile doesn't come quickly or easily.
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    It's so hard when the weight won't shift when you've been doing everything right, I know just how that feels. It could well be that you're not eating enough - I hit a plateaux and it was because I wasn't taking in enough calories and also I think because I needed to give it more time for my body to adjust to the exercise and food changes.

    Have you tried cutting out the wheat? Not sure where you are but here in the UK Carol Vorderman has written some good recipe books and the year I followed her plan really lost my tummy (my especially fat spot). Its quite hard to sustain but she has a 6week plan that might suit you if you can get hold of a copy.

    The 'what you will weigh in 5weeks' is a myth for me too - though some MFP people have found it to be accurate. A better guide is how you feel in your clothes and your inches - these have been my greatest changes.

    Hope you reach your holiday happy with your successes and have a fab time.
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    ok, so you have lost 3.6 pounds so far. Maybe that doesn't seem like much, but did you notice what other positive changes you have made? Just read what you have written:

    " I've stuck to my daily calories, my daily carbs, always way under my sodium, a lot of the time over on sugar but nothing major. I also drink about 12-15 glasses of water a day. I always eat 3 meals and sometimes have a snack as well. I try not to eat straight away before going to bed. I am doing the 30DS DVD and walk everyday to and from work (40-45min each way)"

    here's my suggestion -- put your scale in another room of your house, far away from where it normally is. leave it there for 2 whole weeks, and continue your good habits of food logging, and keeping your exercise and calorie goals in check.

    I also joined in April and have only lost 4 pounds so far. I was getting obsessed with that darn scale numbe

    Yeah, like I said I'm not fussed what the scales say really...it's the actual weight around my stomach that hasn't changed in 5 weeks....not a single little tiny mm or anything has gone :(
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    It's so hard when the weight won't shift when you've been doing everything right, I know just how that feels. It could well be that you're not eating enough - I hit a plateaux and it was because I wasn't taking in enough calories and also I think because I needed to give it more time for my body to adjust to the exercise and food changes.

    Have you tried cutting out the wheat? Not sure where you are but here in the UK Carol Vorderman has written some good recipe books and the year I followed her plan really lost my tummy (my especially fat spot). Its quite hard to sustain but she has a 6week plan that might suit you if you can get hold of a copy.

    The 'what you will weigh in 5weeks' is a myth for me too - though some MFP people have found it to be accurate. A better guide is how you feel in your clothes and your inches - these have been my greatest changes.

    Hope you reach your holiday happy with your successes and have a fab time.

    Thanks for this :) I used to actually be gluten free...for about 6 months as I suffer with stomach allergies and IBS they put me on a special diet. I think this might be why it's been hard to shift the weight...since I've been eating wheat again, my body may have 'stored' some of the rubbish. Maybe I should give gluten free a crack again. It's very hard to sustain you are right but for 5 weeks....I could try cutting back as much as possible. Thanks for that advice, it's made me really think about it again now :)
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    i mean.. you're down to like 3-4 pounds of weight loss. are you worried more about the number on the scale or how your body actually feels?

    anyway... eat a lot of fat and protein and try to get rid of sugar if you can. that might work... but don't expect things to go fast. most of the time anything worthwhile doesn't come quickly or easily.

    I'm not bothered about what the scales say...I feel very bloated and I too much weight on my stomach. I'm VERY out of proportion. I guess it's awkward to give advice on this :(
  • karamille
    karamille Posts: 79 Member
    It's so hard when the weight won't shift when you've been doing everything right, I know just how that feels. It could well be that you're not eating enough - I hit a plateaux and it was because I wasn't taking in enough calories and also I think because I needed to give it more time for my body to adjust to the exercise and food changes.

    Have you tried cutting out the wheat? Not sure where you are but here in the UK Carol Vorderman has written some good recipe books and the year I followed her plan really lost my tummy (my especially fat spot). Its quite hard to sustain but she has a 6week plan that might suit you if you can get hold of a copy.

    The 'what you will weigh in 5weeks' is a myth for me too - though some MFP people have found it to be accurate. A better guide is how you feel in your clothes and your inches - these have been my greatest changes.

    Hope you reach your holiday happy with your successes and have a fab time.

    Thanks for this :) I used to actually be gluten free...for about 6 months as I suffer with stomach allergies and IBS they put me on a special diet. I think this might be why it's been hard to shift the weight...since I've been eating wheat again, my body may have 'stored' some of the rubbish. Maybe I should give gluten free a crack again. It's very hard to sustain you are right but for 5 weeks....I could try cutting back as much as possible. Thanks for that advice, it's made me really think about it again now :)

    I think the wheat is your problem. It very well may be just flat out "bloat" that is making your waist line not change. Cut the gluten again. I bet you will see your waist line go down. It may take a couple of weeks for the intestines to repair itself, but I bet when your intestines heal, the waist size will drop
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    It's so hard when the weight won't shift when you've been doing everything right, I know just how that feels. It could well be that you're not eating enough - I hit a plateaux and it was because I wasn't taking in enough calories and also I think because I needed to give it more time for my body to adjust to the exercise and food changes.

    Have you tried cutting out the wheat? Not sure where you are but here in the UK Carol Vorderman has written some good recipe books and the year I followed her plan really lost my tummy (my especially fat spot). Its quite hard to sustain but she has a 6week plan that might suit you if you can get hold of a copy.

    The 'what you will weigh in 5weeks' is a myth for me too - though some MFP people have found it to be accurate. A better guide is how you feel in your clothes and your inches - these have been my greatest changes.

    Hope you reach your holiday happy with your successes and have a fab time.

    Thanks for this :) I used to actually be gluten free...for about 6 months as I suffer with stomach allergies and IBS they put me on a special diet. I think this might be why it's been hard to shift the weight...since I've been eating wheat again, my body may have 'stored' some of the rubbish. Maybe I should give gluten free a crack again. It's very hard to sustain you are right but for 5 weeks....I could try cutting back as much as possible. Thanks for that advice, it's made me really think about it again now :)

    I think the wheat is your problem. It very well may be just flat out "bloat" that is making your waist line not change. Cut the gluten again. I bet you will see your waist line go down. It may take a couple of weeks for the intestines to repair itself, but I bet when your intestines heal, the waist size will drop

    I'll give it a shot. I have a very strange body - my allergies change. My last test showed up nuts as my issue. Maybe I need another test. Thanks for all the feedback. Sorry to sound like I'm moaning, just hard to get my head around all of this!
  • tbacc
    tbacc Posts: 3
    Try to increase the intensity of your cardio exercises to hit your target heart rate.. Kick it up a notch! Your body may be catching on to your routine. Remember, everyone's body responds differently so what works for other may not work for you. Keep it up! You're almost there!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    It's so hard when the weight won't shift when you've been doing everything right, I know just how that feels. It could well be that you're not eating enough - I hit a plateaux and it was because I wasn't taking in enough calories and also I think because I needed to give it more time for my body to adjust to the exercise and food changes.

    Have you tried cutting out the wheat? Not sure where you are but here in the UK Carol Vorderman has written some good recipe books and the year I followed her plan really lost my tummy (my especially fat spot). Its quite hard to sustain but she has a 6week plan that might suit you if you can get hold of a copy.

    The 'what you will weigh in 5weeks' is a myth for me too - though some MFP people have found it to be accurate. A better guide is how you feel in your clothes and your inches - these have been my greatest changes.

    Hope you reach your holiday happy with your successes and have a fab time.

    Thanks for this :) I used to actually be gluten free...for about 6 months as I suffer with stomach allergies and IBS they put me on a special diet. I think this might be why it's been hard to shift the weight...since I've been eating wheat again, my body may have 'stored' some of the rubbish. Maybe I should give gluten free a crack again. It's very hard to sustain you are right but for 5 weeks....I could try cutting back as much as possible. Thanks for that advice, it's made me really think about it again now :)

    I think the wheat is your problem. It very well may be just flat out "bloat" that is making your waist line not change. Cut the gluten again. I bet you will see your waist line go down. It may take a couple of weeks for the intestines to repair itself, but I bet when your intestines heal, the waist size will drop

    I look pregnant and gain 5+ pounds when exposed to gluten. Don't know how the OP managed to go back to it cause every time I'm exposed m reaction is worse
  • Jacquierose
    Jacquierose Posts: 14
    Try Mighty Leaf Tropical Green Tea! It has hints of mango and coconut - it is so good coming from another person who is not a green tea fan. Ill make a pitcher of iced tropical green tea at the beginning of each week and melt a couple truvia in it while it brews. It is so good iced! You could also try pomegranate green tea. Also, very yummy. Do not loose focus - youre almost there! Stick with it!
  • karamille
    karamille Posts: 79 Member
    They are actually finding a lot of people are "gluten sensative" but do not truly have celiacs. This might the case with you, which is why you aren't super sick nor have a postive test result while on wheat. Good luck!
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Are you eating back your calories that you use when walking to work or exercising?