Starting Again

After losing over 100lbs a few years ago, my weight has slowly started creeping up again. I'm new to My Fitness Pal and I am working to take off 40lbs before my 30th birthday next year.


  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    Don't you hate that sneaky weight gain? *sigh* This website is great to have. The people here are great and will help you get and stay motivated. Have a tough day/week/month? There will be AT LEAST one person who can help you. :]
  • a10horan
    a10horan Posts: 12 Member
    Yes I do hate that weight that creeps on. Speaking for myself, I notice my clothes getting snug, but my love for food makes me ignore it unitl bam I regain the 20 lbs. I had originally lost. It is a vicious cycle. I know what I need to do, I know what I'm supposed to do, but I just don't do it. I know that eating healthier food and making smarter food choices along with exercise is the key to weight loss and keeping it off once I lose it. I went from 196 lbs to 162 lbs with Weight Watchers. I exercised 5-6 days a week and ate their frozen entrees. After I lost the initial weight I got burned out on the food and wasn't prepared for "regular" food. So I overindulged on food and sweets. I love Thrifty ice cream cones. Bad habits are hard to drop, but being faithful to this program (MFP) will get us all on the right track and we WILL reach our goals.
  • em_lou007
    em_lou007 Posts: 117
    Hey! :smile:

    First i'd like to say "Well Done" 1st for loosing all that weight in the first place! (At least you know how your body works!) and 2nd for admitting you need to lose some weight again (sneeky pounds where do they come from?! they did it to me too!! :blushing: ).

    I'm 30 in November and wanting to loose the excess weight for then - about 4 stones on total! :ohwell:

    MFP is a fantastic community/family and resource, if you need anything all you need to do is ask!

    Feel free to add me as a friend for support and motivation - that goes for anyone!

    Enjoy your weight loss journey


  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Hi there and welcome. I started here about a week ago. Like you I lost alot of weight preivously but have found mine creeping back on. Please feel free to add me. The motivation, inspiration and support here help tons.
  • SparkleLisa
    SparkleLisa Posts: 42 Member
    You are not alone! In fact, I think everyone here has done that! I too, lost 55 pounds, then gained 30 back, took 25 off again, put 30 back on.... hence why my profile quote is "stop the roller coaster!" logging in here and having a support system is the one thing I didn't have before and I hope that this time, with support, I will be able to reach my ultimate goal weight!
  • Leistung
    Leistung Posts: 6
    ... I love Thrifty ice cream cones. Bad habits are hard to drop, but being faithful to this program (MFP) will get us all on the right track and we WILL reach our goals.

    Thrifty ice cream cones are my favorite! Makes me remember my childhood. Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I think MFP will be the extra motivation I need to get my weight loss back on track.
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    The creeping weight is always what gets me. It's so hard to keep on track sometimes. I've been a member on the site for just over a week and the support here is out of this word!