Ladies, time to choose: your FANNY or your FACE!



  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    Ha! I'm from Britain so when I saw the title of this thread I spurted coffee out of my nose!!!!

    I don't get it.... please enlighten us Americans!

    Trying to think of a polite way of putting this. :blushing:

    OK, lets try this : As far as the Brits are concerned, a woman doesn't sit on her fanny - she pees out of it......

    omg thanks for the education lol
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    In all seriousness though, in regards to the article this makes me want to revise my goal weight. I based my goal weight on a scientific study on which BMI (yes, so flawed, NOW I know) men found most attractive. They found a range between 18.5-22 scored highest with 20.85 being the peak. However, I also deem waist-to-hip ratio very important as well, but find that as the lbs come off, so do my curves, which are already close to the "ideal" .7. I've thrown up a couple posts to no avail about the possibility of attaining my goal weight and at least keeping my WHR. I've seen many posts by women who are similarly tall who put my weight AS their goal weight while citing a preference for a little curve. I also want to keep a more youthful appearance from the neck up. So I think I'm going to modify my goal weight to a rather muscular/fit 145lbs (22 bmi) and see how I feel about stopping there.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    So... I'll be really thin until I'm forty, and then I'll gain twenty pounds. WITH CHEESECAKE. This will be awesome.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    In all seriousness though, in regards to the article this makes me want to revise my goal weight. I based my goal weight on a scientific study on which BMI (yes, so flawed, NOW I know) men found most attractive. They found a range between 18.5-22 scored highest with 20.85 being the peak. However, I also deem waist-to-hip ratio very important as well, but find that as the lbs come off, so do my curves, which are already close to the "ideal" .7. I've thrown up a couple posts to no avail about the possibility of attaining my goal weight and at least keeping my WHR. I've seen many posts by women who are similarly tall who put my weight AS their goal weight while citing a preference for a little curve. I also want to keep a more youthful appearance from the neck up. So I think I'm going to modify my goal weight to a rather muscular/fit 145lbs (22 bmi) and see how I feel about stopping there.

    This is EXACTLY what I've been thinking lately. So, in the beginning my goal weight was about 140. Then the more research I did online I saw that maybe my GW should be 135. However, I'm starting to think that may be a bit too thin for me. I was always about 120 - 125, up until my mid twenties. However, one husband and 2 children later I feel like that's a bit unrealistic for me. I want to have a flatter stomach (it may never be totally flat again), and bottom line...I want to feel good about myself again. I don't want to have to pull the waistband of my pants up over my bellybutton every time I sit down, and I don't want to have to search for my panty's waistband under (or in between layers of) my skin. It would be GREAT to be in the 140's. But, the number doesn't matter to me. It's all about how I see myself, and how I feel overall.

    On a side note, I have a co-worker who has lost alot of weight. While she has an awesome body, her face looks older, tired, and saggy. I don't want that.

    Thank you so much for the article. Great read!
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Good read!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I have noticed some people who have lost weight look alot older,ive noticed since I started losing weight im looking older.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    So... I'll be really thin until I'm forty, and then I'll gain twenty pounds. WITH CHEESECAKE. This will be awesome.

    Good plan, I'll join you on that ;)
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Sorry that was so long!

    That's what HE said...
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Besides the TERRIBLE title, I know exactly what this is about. I've posted before having a whinge about how I have more wrinkles now I've lost nearly 30 pounds. I'm going to see how the whole package looks as I lose a bit more, although my goal weight is low to mid 60kg, I may well want to stop around 70kg, but I think I'll know when I get there.
  • DancingYogini
    DancingYogini Posts: 377
    :sad: This is exactly my problem!! I have lost 20lbs and feel I have also lost 10 years (on my face). I am in the best shape of my life, but at a BMI of under 20%, it is showing above the neckline. I hate it, but refuse to have anything injected into me! I love Catherine Deneuve :heart: I think you start to get a little more comfortable in your skin as you get older, and it ends up being part of your whole appeal. I find confidence to be way sexier than lack of wrinkles!! (but I am still going to try doing more yoga inversions to help with blood flow to my face :laugh: )
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    Now that I have cleaned up all the water :)

    If this is true how comes when I look at all the before and after photos in the successes section do the women all look way younger as they get fitter and lighter. In some cases I am sure they have posted pictures of their mothers as before photos.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Well, that explains why the women in my family make such pleasant looking fatties!
  • katieb63
    katieb63 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for posting, I too am a Brit so had a giggle.

    This is my second (AND LAST) time of losing weight - back in 2001 I hit goal and did notice I looked older so will be interested to see what a difference a decade makes when I get to goal.

    I choose "fanny" as a wrinkly older looking face won't kill me!