Read a good book lately!!!???

I recently read a good food and nutrition book by a foodie. The name of the book is The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. This book really helps you examine what and how you eat. It is not a "how to" book, but It raised my level of awareness. Check it out!


  • meshellmybell76
    meshellmybell76 Posts: 139 Member
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    love the book--also read "In Defense of Food" same author==excellent read--read both a while back and it really opened my eyes. We have always eaten "pretty healthy" ie garden, have our own beef and hogs, but still had quite a bit of the processed foods- the cheater foods -in thepantry--cleared nearly all of them out--not 100% unfortunately but close --