Anxious about people seeing me run, help me!



  • ahunkofmexican
    You said it, CREEPERS like you. All of us are creepers. We all like to watch life as it happens. Every neighborhood has people bored or judgemental as well as people that see you trying. Those that will notice that you have lost weight are the good neighbors. Those that throw a smile at you are the ones that find it hard to speak kind words of encouragement. Those that look at you thru the windows and doors are envyus.If you want to be slim and healthy then put on your head phones and do it. Your not the first to have baby weight , but if you let the anxiety win then you lose. I know it's hard and i too have baby weight to lose, and im a man. Id say im 7 1/2 months pregnant myself. , So on the days when i feel self conscious i walk to another park where no one knows me and do it. After i lost 15 pounds i started walking around the park near me and my neighbors. Wouldn't you know it one of my neighbors noticed right off the bat that i lost some weight. That gave me confidence to still go to the park yet it was the other park. But at least i started to walk at my own park. maybe in a months time i will lose enough to feel confident to enjoy the convenience of my own park. Till then i go to an other park and just do it. If you don't have an other park near you and you can afford the gas or have the time cause your watching the baby , drive to another park or spend more time walking around the park near you. It's better to at least walk around the park near you in front of your neighbors than it is to let the anxiety win and you sit at home regretting that you missed another opportunity to burn off the baby weight. At first people will notice you, and yes some will stare. After a week or two you will blend in with everything else going on at the park. Only the new stuff is what we creepers notice. Start to blend in now so by the 4th of july you will be slimmer. Good luck, Sincerely Chunk !
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I know how you feel, I felt the same way!! I ended up calling up a friend to see if she wanted to go jogging with me and now we meet at least once a week to do so. I felt better I had someone I could talk to which kept my mind off of what others might think.
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    If you've ever seen the episode of "Friends" where Rachel and Pheobee are running in the park and Phebs is all over the place. I think one day (when i don't have the jog stroller with me) I'm gonna run like Phebs.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I was the same way but then it occured to me....when I see other people running I'm actually thinking, 'That's awesome!' I'm not staring at them for any other reason besides admiration for them exercising.

    I had this same realisation - I used to be crippled with embarrassment when I ran cause I was so unfit and felt like every car that went past was laughing at me. And then I realised that when I was driving and saw people running I thought "go you" even MORE so if they looked like they were struggling because I realised the guts and efforts it took for them and I also realised that sitting at home or in my car I was never going to judge anyone out exercising!

    Be brave and you will forget pretty quickly about others watching

    Actually the other day a friend said to me that one of their friends had seen me out running and was really impressed with my pace, they didn't know I was into fitness! So you can get positive feedback too! x
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    If it's really worrisome to you, can you drive or bike somewhere more private (although not TOO private, want to be safe) My 12 yo son is overweight and so when we run together we'll drive a few miles from our house and get lost in a little maze of neighborhoods/cul-de-sacs where there isnt' a lot of foot or car traffic so that he doesn't have to worry about kids from school seeing him.

    not sure where you live, or if this is an option, but if you're nervous, modify your environment so there's no excuses left!
  • music_lover_103
    i'm a runner, so im fairly thin already (just on here to loose a couple extra pounds : ) ) and when i run i almost always see out of shape people out running...and let me tell you that i think its awesome! it really inspires me and makes me so happy to see them embracing something new and healthy! i don't think "wow, they look awful" i think "wow, they look awesome!"

    trust me, people arent going to make fun of you! you're inspiring!