
Hello everyone! My name is Sarah and I'm kinda new to this whole keeping track of my calories things. I've done weight watcher before bit I just hate counting points :P. This only reason I know about this place and it working with it is that my sister signed me up and told me I had to do it. I must say though that it's not that hard to do and I'm not hating it much like I hated the WW's point.s
Weight lost has been a long term battle for me and now at 23, when everyone anyone talks to me about my weight it comes close to a full on break down because really I'm sick and tired and everyone TRYING to be helpful. It's on of the main reasons why I'm going to try to get my life on a healthy track: to get them to leave me alone! :P :)
Another reason is that I myself want to be able to go into stores and not have to fret over that fact that all the clothing I like don't come in my size. I want to be able to go out shopping and enjoy myself.
Anyways, I hope this works and I wish all of you the best of luck!

Sarah ^.^