Modervation pictures?

Booots233 Posts: 45
edited 1:59PM in Introduce Yourself
Hi so im 16... i weigh 205 pounds. both me and my mom are starting to go to a work out place and i am starting with a personal trainer on monday ( she suggested i come on here ) But i do think i will give up if i do not have anough modervation.. i used to go to a place called curves but i stoped going because i was to lazy and didnt think it would help at all. Please, if you can show before and after pictures. it would help a great lot :)


  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Good luck to you. There are a bunch of posts on the "Success Stories" thread that are very motivational.
  • dnnmccloud
    dnnmccloud Posts: 124 Member
    You can do it!!!Any thing you set your mind to do you can do. I was as much a 250lb at my highest weight. Once I made it up in my mind that I didn't want that any more it came easy...Of course loosing weight is hard work but the decision was easy...Welcome to MFP!!
  • Booots233
    Booots233 Posts: 45
    Thank you alot =D
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Do you mean... motivation? Or is modervation a new slang term that I'm unaware of?
  • Booots233
    Booots233 Posts: 45
    Do you mean... motivation? Or is modervation a new slang term that I'm unaware of?
    lol i ment motivation sorry i am not a good speller xD
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Do you mean... motivation? Or is modervation a new slang term that I'm unaware of?

    Beat me to it.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Do you mean... motivation? Or is modervation a new slang term that I'm unaware of?
    lol i ment motivation sorry i am not a good speller xD

    Oh good! Now I don't feel so old XD sometimes I'm just not hip to the jive ya dig? ahahaha
  • Booots233
    Booots233 Posts: 45
    Do you mean... motivation? Or is modervation a new slang term that I'm unaware of?
    lol i ment motivation sorry i am not a good speller xD

    Oh good! Now I don't feel so old XD sometimes I'm just not hip to the jive ya dig? ahahaha
    Lol yes i dig ;) xD
  • You CAN do this just never give up u are going to have them i call off days where u fall backwards. But coming on here is a good step the people here are very helpful if u have any questions or concerns they help no matter how stupid u think that they are their not trust me i ask alot of stuff. lol u can friend me and i will help u as much as i can. and there is a great forum that i joined i dont know if u need it but its for people that need to loose 100 lbs or more and they are very nice and dont judge so good luck and ttyl

  • sara21
    sara21 Posts: 37 Member
    You are going to love this website. It's easy. It keeps you motivated. It does everything for you. You can graph your progress, which is nice. I'm proud of you for making a decision to get healthy...and you have your mom for support. Once you start to lose a few pounds, you're going to fell great and you won't want to quit! I can't wait to see YOUR before and after pictures!
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