Mornin' Sunshine!

I love my morning ritual of checking the MFP boards and sipping my morning cup o' java! Anyone else love this?? And anyone else feel empty if you aren't able to?? :laugh: :wink:

Have a lovely day!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I love my morning ritual of checking the MFP boards and sipping my morning cup o' java! Anyone else love this?? And anyone else feel empty if you aren't able to?? :laugh: :wink:

    Have a lovely day!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • catiepink
    catiepink Posts: 22 Member
    I Love it too!!! You look great by the way! You are a great inspiration to us all!!! :flowerforyou:
  • TheHottestMama
    im awake!!!
    checking emails and paying bills! no coffee for me! but i have green tea!
    ive gotta get the boys up for school at 730am and cook breakfest and get them off to school!
    then im free to hang out with my 2year old until i pick my youngest boy up from school at noon! haha
    then snack and naptime! and then pick up my oldest around 230 and then homework and football practice...BUT IM SO GUNNA SIT HERE AND READ THE BOARDS ONE DAY! HAHA I HAVE TOO!!

    hollylolly hollywood:wink:

    Oh i just thought i should add
    im very proud of myself
    yesterday i worked on this car with my ex boyfriend for about 6hours
    in the dead heat of the day! it was so awesome all sweaty and dirty haha and burning TONS of calories haha but i helped fix the car...yipeeeeee for me!!!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member

    um to answer the question miss Tami...HECK YA~:bigsmile: my coffee is my fav part of the morning...that is until I see that big dimpled smiling, wild haired beautiful boy come bombing outta his room to greet his momma!:smooched: then THAT is the best part of the day :smooched: :heart:

    Hey good for you hollylolly!!! I'm lucky I can pump gas and check the you ever wanna come by my place I have an o' ford taurus that needs some looking at....the trucks can always use a tune up too rock girl!!!

    well my morning has been nuts already...woke up late was suppose to have today off but I have to go into I say okay I'll go in later on....then with Hanna coming our way I figured was time to take down the gazebo screen house in the wow that was fun to do in my nighty and slippers:noway: ....oh and the best part was I have a bloody toe from stubbing it on one of the big iron poles that hold it up...wooo!!! My son was on the swing and I did my best not to sound like a merchant marine and decided to just yell Ow! Ow! OW OOOOOOWWWWW! which he thought was hysterical and must have looked funny too now that I think about it me hoppin around like that....but then when I stopped to look he came over and said...."Are y'kaaaaaaaay???":smooched: aw that kid is like magic! lol....I said I am now baby! :smooched: :heart: lol

    anyway better get my butt in the shower to get to work....later my friends enjoy the day I'll be back to play later....I may be limping fyi :grumble: LOL

  • alifelessevident
    i is be reporting in for morning check up:laugh: :drinker:
  • TheHottestMama

    um to answer the question miss Tami...HECK YA~:bigsmile: my coffee is my fav part of the morning...that is until I see that big dimpled smiling, wild haired beautiful boy come bombing outta his room to greet his momma!:smooched: then THAT is the best part of the day :smooched: :heart:

    Hey good for you hollylolly!!! I'm lucky I can pump gas and check the you ever wanna come by my place I have an o' ford taurus that needs some looking at....the trucks can always use a tune up too rock girl!!!

    well my morning has been nuts already...woke up late was suppose to have today off but I have to go into I say okay I'll go in later on....then with Hanna coming our way I figured was time to take down the gazebo screen house in the wow that was fun to do in my nighty and slippers:noway: ....oh and the best part was I have a bloody toe from stubbing it on one of the big iron poles that hold it up...wooo!!! My son was on the swing and I did my best not to sound like a merchant marine and decided to just yell Ow! Ow! OW OOOOOOWWWWW! which he thought was hysterical and must have looked funny too now that I think about it me hoppin around like that....but then when I stopped to look he came over and said...."Are y'kaaaaaaaay???":smooched: aw that kid is like magic! lol....I said I am now baby! :smooched: :heart: lol

    anyway better get my butt in the shower to get to work....later my friends enjoy the day I'll be back to play later....I may be limping fyi :grumble: LOL


    oh jeez i hope your toe is okay!
    hahaha i know nothing about cars but my ex boyfriend was so amazing and helped me! hahaha it was really fun actually! hahahha
    but i can send him over!! ahaha hes eyecandy too! hahhah
  • JeremyInvincible
    JeremyInvincible Posts: 264 Member
    Mornin' folkies.
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    Coffee in hand, came on to enter breakfast, yet all I have done is look at the boards. :drinker: That is the way it always goes though!

    Just waiting for Miss. Hurricane Hanna to tell me what my weekend is going to be like. Since I have to work outside tomorrow, I am kinda hoping they cancel it, so I can stay home and not get blown away. Since I am 32 lbs lighter now, it could happen....:wink:

    I have the set the kiddies up with a messy project and I am sitting here watching school today for them, I am happy to have everyone home.:heart:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member

    Just grabbed a cup of coffee & planted my ample bum down here! :drinker: Sooooo addicted, it's sick! :laugh:

    Took today off and am about to clean the house (whoop-de-doo :grumble: ) but will have a fun, family filled weekend this weekend! :smile:

    Have a good weekend, everyone! :smooched: