30 day shred... Does it work?

I'm at the point were I'm looking to spice up my workout and I've heard about Jillians 30 Day Shred... I was hoping some of y'all who have done the entire workout, or maybe even just attempted it, whether they would reccommend it, whether they enjoyed it? Did you see results?

The DVD is hard to source in New Zealand, but I'm thinking it will be worth the $$ etc, but just wanted to put it out there and see what y'all had to say!

Thanks in advance!


  • Adrigal
    Adrigal Posts: 7
    Hi there, I just started it 5 days ago and I took a before pic (on top) and today I bought a new smaller bathing suit and thought oh what the heck I'll take a new before pic....and I was totally shocked that I had changed so much in 5 days! Keep it up girl..it works!


  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I bought it when it came out and didn't like it. I have bad knees and the jumping around was uncomfortable. Back then just the warm up was a pain and hard to get through. But, since I've been working out I have a much better endurance. I tried it again on Monday then on Wednesday with much better results. I used a knee brace and the whole 20min was a breeze at level one. i do think this video would work if kept up. I am going to use it a few times a week so i don't get bored. But, yes if you don't mind jumping then try it out.