Expectations I put on myself...but why??

Ok, so lets just say Ive been trying to weigh myself everyday at work on the same scale that way even if it isnt quite accurate, its at least gonna measure the loss accurately. Im proud to say I think Im down some poundage and that makes me proud...but crazy as it is, I wont register it on my ticker cuz from there on out it will tell me diff weight loss goals than what its been tellin me now and Im afraid that I wont achieve them and just get discouraged...Sometimes its better to hide I guess, although I thought the point of this thing was to get so ppl could see the real me behind this enormous shell...so why keep hiding? Maybe Ive grown accustomed to this darkness and feel more comfortable hidden from my own self and others?! Afraid I wont be able to live up to expectations...I really must learn to overcome and overpower and be all that I can be, I know Im proud of myself, Ive accomplished a lot in just the last month, I mean I jogged a 5k...never thought I could, and am just feeling better and more healthy and in control...yet I battle myself...and I want the real and fearless me to win! C'mon Jenee, get your head in the game!! Any help with my inner fight would be much appreciated, thanks for listening :)


  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    You've come this far, don't quit now! Feel good about what you've accomplished, like jogging a 5k--that's awesome!

    I like seeing the weight loss ticker because I like to see the visual of my progress. The site will only prompt you to change your goals every 10 pounds or so, and you don't have to change them just because the site suggests it. I have lost nearly 25 pounds and have not changed my weight loss goals yet.

    Keep working hard and stay positive--and look at those "non scale victories" (NSV) like doing a 5k--those are a big deal, and sometimes they can tell you more about your weight loss than just the number on the scale :)

    Good luck!

  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    i think there nothing wrong with exception of yourself i mean after all who else will care for yourself like you will. i think where it get defeating is when your try to change the color blue to red if you know what i mean focus on things you know can help and work towards that not trying to save the world so to speak.