Gym Rant



  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    The only other thing that bothers me is using cardio equipment - I'm the only one with 20 other treadmills open and you have to use the one RIGHT NEXT TO ME. go away. haha
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    The only other thing that bothers me is using cardio equipment - I'm the only one with 20 other treadmills open and you have to use the one RIGHT NEXT TO ME. go away. haha

    This might be me, but there is a reason. If there is an abundance of open treadmills, I choose the one with the best view of the TV showing something that is somewhat entertaining. Sometimes I go and of the 4 big TV's in front of the treadmills, 3 will be turned to CNN and only one on ESPN. So I get on the treadmill with the best view of ESPN. Sorry if there are 12 other open treadmills and I chose the one right next to you. But I guarantee that if I am running right next to you, I'm not checking you out.
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I agree! It sucks sometimes because you end up with a different workout than what you wanted to do.
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    The only other thing that bothers me is using cardio equipment - I'm the only one with 20 other treadmills open and you have to use the one RIGHT NEXT TO ME. go away. haha

    This might be me, but there is a reason. If there is an abundance of open treadmills, I choose the one with the best view of the TV showing something that is somewhat entertaining. Sometimes I go and of the 4 big TV's in front of the treadmills, 3 will be turned to CNN and only one on ESPN. So I get on the treadmill with the best view of ESPN. Sorry if there are 12 other open treadmills and I chose the one right next to you. But I guarantee that if I am running right next to you, I'm not checking you out.

    Ha, well thanks for the honesty. I always try to follow the "1 treadmill" apart rule, even if my view is slightly distorted of March Madness. It's just kind of awkward that someone runs right next to you ... but I usually get the guy who bathed in his cologne and I have to move cause I'll have an asthma attack

  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    I get stares too, might be my hair though, if it's a cute girl i'm fine :)
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    The only other thing that bothers me is using cardio equipment - I'm the only one with 20 other treadmills open and you have to use the one RIGHT NEXT TO ME. go away. haha

    This might be me, but there is a reason. If there is an abundance of open treadmills, I choose the one with the best view of the TV showing something that is somewhat entertaining. Sometimes I go and of the 4 big TV's in front of the treadmills, 3 will be turned to CNN and only one on ESPN. So I get on the treadmill with the best view of ESPN. Sorry if there are 12 other open treadmills and I chose the one right next to you. But I guarantee that if I am running right next to you, I'm not checking you out.

    Ha, well thanks for the honesty. I always try to follow the "1 treadmill" apart rule, even if my view is slightly distorted of March Madness. It's just kind of awkward that someone runs right next to you ... but I usually get the guy who bathed in his cologne and I have to move cause I'll have an asthma attack


    Luckily I'm not THAT guy. And I do try to follow the 1 treadmill apart rule whenever possible. But I will not suffer through an entire treadmill run while staring at Anderson Cooper while the treadmill next to you has a perfectly good view of the NBA finals!
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I think a quick look at the gym to check someone out is fine. I would even like it. However, what happened to you is just wrong and very uncomfortable. I don't have problems with the threads for dating as long as they stay private. Sorry your gym experience was like that. If it happens again don't be afraid to tell the employees at the gym.
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    I'm not one to watch the news 24/7 but I'd stare at Anderson Cooper =) haha
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    So the "hottest friend" threads, the "crush" threads, the "All the Single Ladies" threads, ect, ect and blah blah blah aren't just annoying the pi$$ outta me?

    You aren't alone.. they're annoying.
  • ageros
    ageros Posts: 66 Member
    Next time just do this: Turn your head slowly towards them, and when you are full turned just say in a calm voice, "I've killed a man for a lesser offense." Turn your head back and keep me they won't do it again, lol
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    I have a confession to make. I look for one specific person in the gym, and try to get the exercise bike next to her. My riding pal is very nice, smiles and nods to me (since I'm a regular and she is too), and then she sets a blistering pace. I like to watch her display panel, and then I pedal like a maniac for the next 60 minutes, trying to match her pace. We never chat while pedaling, who can at 110-115 rpm? I get the BEST biking workouts when next to my riding pal. Do I stare at her, nope, but I watch her display and then compare it to mine constantly. I just want to keep up!!

    P.S. Thanks to my riding pal, I hit 124 rpms tonight for the first time. Wheeeeeee!!!
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member
    Next time just do this: Turn your head slowly towards them, and when you are full turned just say in a calm voice, "I've killed a man for a lesser offense." Turn your head back and keep me they won't do it again, lol

    Wow....nearly fell off my couch. Hilarious!! I am so going to remember that one for when my body has reached the 'every guy in the gym turns his head for a peek' state. :D

    So I respect everyones opinions on the dating threads thing...they can get immature. But for some people that is support. Any person who says that they haven't gained a step of self-confidence or had a better few min of your day because someone hot of the opposite sex smiled or paid you a compliment, I would challenge to be a flat out liar. Online or not, flirting and being recognized makes you feel sexier. I know we are all here to be healthier....but God DAMN I wanna look good when I'm healthy!!!
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    I just figure they're staring because I am so incredibly AWESOME and AMAZING that they have never really seen a woman like me in real life before! So I just look 'em in the eye - smile - and continue on with my bad-*kitten* self. Poor suckerz just can't help themselves in such close proximity to PEFRECTION! :smokin:
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    I'm not one to watch the news 24/7 but I'd stare at Anderson Cooper =) haha
    omg anderson cooper... im young so i always thought it was wierd that i was attracted to him but hes SO cute! such a crush on...oops did i just turn this into "hottest news anchors" soorryy! lollol :laugh:
  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member
    Wow....I'm glad, (but sorry) I'm not the only one with these issues. Again it isn't the quick glance that bothers's the "I'm not going to look forward for a whole hour" awkwardness. lol. It becomes much more creepy than complimenting. I have tried looking back at them straight faced, glaring, rolling eyes, shaking my head, putting on the most pissed off/annoyed face I can make...all the way to saying obscenities to get the point across. haha. Anything rude I can think of. Usually the staring back fixes it for a minute or two, but I am DEFINITELY so going to use AGEROS suggestion! haha perfect!

    I keep my headphones in from the car to the machine to the locker room to the jacuzzi to the locker room to the car....I try to make it pretty clear that I don't want to chat.

    As for the crush threads..they don't bother me..just don't appeal to me personally..but hey...if you want to do them - no argument here. I was more referring to creepy messages I've received. = / But thank you Carl, because I never would've thought to not go to things I didn't like. I definably wouldn't protest if others found love here, but I don't think I'd be LOOKING for it here either.

    I WISH somebody would sing out loud! haha. It'd keep me amused for one workout at least! lol.

    Ps. I love Jenna's vids!! haha. Maybe I'll throw one of these babies at em next time!
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I wear a HRM. That means that anyone next to me in the cardio section might get "spillage." If it's someone who depends on their machine for heart rate and cals, my HR showing up on theirs is enough for them to quickly find another one. :-D