
Hello everyone! I am new to this website and I am just looking for support and a few calorie-conscious people LOL I am currently in the Air Force and I am aiming to shed a few pounds so I can be healthier and happier. Feel free to add me or even message me, I am more than willing to give support and very happy to receive it :smile:


  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Welcome and thank you for your service.
    I don't know how stringent your MAW allowances are in the AF but in the CG they are pretty strict, although not tough, and about to go down again, so I want to beat it to the punch and get to where I never have to worry about another weigh in again.
    Feel free to friend me if you like.
  • SweetPrettyBrown
    SweetPrettyBrown Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you!