30 pounds - Now I see a difference :)

abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
I started losing weight during/after last summer - slowly but surely 30+ pounds have come off. I see the difference in my clothes, having gone from a 36 (or 16) to a 32 (12) in pants and an XL (mostly to hide my tummy and muffin top) to a M in shirts. But when I look at myself now, I don't see a big change. I mean, I definitely feel better and more comfortable in my clothes but I think I was in denial as to how overweight I was. I am/was hardly in any pictures and shy away from the camera and have been really self conscious for a couple of years now. More so after I had baby #3 than any other - I gained the least amount of weight with him but was quite a bit more overweight when I got pregnant with him than my first two daughters. So anyways - I had decided heading into winter that my biggest goal was to not gain weight. The 2 oldest kids are in hockey and we spend at least 5 days a week at the rink if not 7 - and most rinks don't really have healthful eating in mind! Well, winter is gone and I have not lost another pound and was beginning to get discouraged. Between working 50 hours a week and trying to run a house and raise kids and farm I don't have a lot of time for exercise - my exercise is whatever I get at work and 3 runs a week (I try - but I enjoy doing it so that's not the hard part) so healthful eating plays a major part in maintaining and losing for me. The problem is with the craziness of life/kids/working/farming right I find it so easy to slip back to old habits. When I voiced my discouragement to my husband he said I think you should come take a look at this. He had dug out some of the few pictures of me that we had from before and now, and it was shocking to me - I hadn't looked at them in comparison to now. Wow! I finally see it and it was just what I needed to remind myself why I need to stay on track with the eating.

This is 9 mos preggos with #3

About 10 days post delivery - tummy for sure but it didn't disappear much more for a very long time - like 2 years lol

Before - 1 year ago/Now of my face

Full Profile Before - 1 year ago/Now - crappy quality pictures but you get the idea. I remember my daughter taking the picture of me a year ago and I hated it. I looked at it and thought ugggh you should just stay home. But I promised her I wouldn't delete it and eventually forgot about it until my hubby pulled it up a few days ago.



  • MommyofBoys
    MommyofBoys Posts: 75
    You look awesome!
  • lalalalyndsey
    lalalalyndsey Posts: 565
    Wow! Nice job!!! Such an inspiration!!
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    great job! Thx for sharing!
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    Holy smokes!! You look amazing!:bigsmile:
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    wow! look at you! hottie mcfly!
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    You look great!!!
  • egard
    egard Posts: 6 Member
    WooHoooo!!! Congrats on the progress! And you look amazing!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,279 Member
    Great progress. I am taking it slow too. You look great!
  • realtreegirl
    realtreegirl Posts: 101
    Wow you look great!! Hey just wondering how do you post the pictures with your message? Thanks
  • abcwhite10
    abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
    Wow you look great!! Hey just wondering how do you post the pictures with your message? Thanks

    I went to tinypic.com because you don't need to sign up for an acct. Click Browse and find your pic. Click the resize dropdown and select message board. When the links show up after it is done uploading copy the "image" link, paste to your post. Make sure you resize the letters in brackets from IMG to img - don't know why but ya do. Good luck.
  • DancingYogini
    DancingYogini Posts: 377
    You can totally tell....and you look younger!!
  • jennkess
    jennkess Posts: 86
    i feel you. 3 kids full time work, mom and wife it is hard to work in time to exercise. good job keep at it and give your husband a big kiss for pulling those photos out when you needed it.. that's support
  • realtreegirl
    realtreegirl Posts: 101
    Thanks, I will have to try it!!
  • abcwhite10
    abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks gals :) I have been getting a little frustrated with sitting at this weight for a couple monthes but I know that I have to be persistant. I kinda feel like i need all the support I can get - which is why I absolutely love this site! I have a long family history of Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and hypothyroid......none of which I have acquired yet but am oh so afraid of getting. Every year when I go to my doctor, I would think to myself - please don't let my thyroid numbers be low, I have to lose all this weight and I'll never be able to do it then. And when I was at my heaviest, I would say.......I feel awful, I'm so tired and I have no energy, maybe I should get my thyroid checked - Instead of thinking OMG you are 5'3" and 197lbs - LOSE SOME WEIGHT!!!!! I have made it to 162 and have another 30 to go to get where I used to be and where I would love to. My biggest problem is I really have a hard time making any commitment to exercise other than my running. I try and make sure I get in at least 10 miles a week but beyond that its difficult to find the time. I know to some it may sound like an excuse but I really am afraid to embark on some crazy fitness trek, only to be unable to keep it up and gain any wieght back I may lose while doing it. We live on a farm 30 miles from everywhere and I work in a town that has a gas station and a small grocery store - I don't even think anyone has heard of a gym there lol. So I look here for all the help, tips and pointers I can get. So Thanks.....again :)
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    That is a HUGE difference for 30 lbs! WTG Mommy! It took me 10 years for both sets of kids. I had 3, then when they all got into school the weight finally got off. Plumped up again with baby #4 and she just turned 10 this Fall, I'm nearly at my goal weight pre-baby weight. So much harder if you wait until my age!!! So good job!!
  • oldhippy
    oldhippy Posts: 18 Member
    you look great, well done.
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