Is anyone on Synthroid?



  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    I just started it myself two months ago. They started at 25mg and now I'm at 50mg. They have me doing blood tests every five weeks to determine if it's working or I guess to get the dose right. I have not gained any weight from it, but since I started it I have had this salty metalic taste all the time. The doctor does not think it's the medicine, but it came on at the same time. Anyone else have that side effect? I definitely am feeling better, but notice the initial boost in energy wears off within a few days.

    That is an interesting side effect. I have been on Synthroid for 13 years at a high dosage, 200mcg, and have never had that side effect. That sounds like it might be something else...
    I was incredibly sick when I was diagnosed so when I started my meds it was like a shot to the heart, but since then I have never had an over abundance of energy. It just makes me feel "normal" I know my body so well now that I can tell if my levels are off by even a small amount.
  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    I take .175mg and I have never had that taste but I can tell when I need to have my med changed. I had it increased only once in years but I sure knew I need to get it increased.

    I know EXACTLY what you mean, I know when my meds need to be adjusted too.
  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    I take .175mg and I have never had that taste but I can tell when I need to have my med changed. I had it increased only once in years but I sure knew I need to get it increased.

    I know EXACTLY what you mean, I know when my meds need to be adjusted too.
  • icowgirlup
    In short
    Graves disease
    Radioactive iodine treatment
    Hypothyroid 12 years
    Synthroid 137mmg for 6 years= horrible weight control, headaches, cold all the time. Today my doctor told me to go whole pill then half pill. Will this affect my weight? Please say it wil help! Only diet ever works is Atkins. I work out everyday, work in a stockroom and am extremely active! Advice and comments!!??? Also note tried levoxyl and levothryine
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    I've been on it for about 10 years. I had a lot of trouble maintaining my weight before I started it. And over the years when I found myself gaining weight, I'd often find out at my annual check-up that my thyroid had changed (it can do that with hormonal changes) and I had to go to a higher dose. The higher dose helped me to lose weight.

    Some of you might find this amusing: When I got up to the 75 mcg dose, I broke out into a rash. I went to the doctor. He went over everything with me; did I change laundry detergent, start eating new foods, etc. Nothing. He said the synthroid couldn't be giving me the rash, because it's a chemical our bodies make naturally. Then he actually looked at the pills: they're blue. I'm allergic to the blue dye! He switched me to the 150 mcg and had me cut the pills in half. Problem solved!

    Of course, since I had my daughter my thyroid has decided to completely check out. I'm on the 175 mcg dose. It doesn't get any higher than that!