*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Week #20 Discussion 5.20.11

Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
Another week down and only 2 more to go! WOW! You ladies are absolutely amazing! I am so happy that I had the opportunity to be on this journey with you and I am looking forward to continuing it with the ones that decide to join the other challenge and keep in touch with those who do not decide to. This has been an amazing ride and I have learned so much from all of you. So this week I just want you all to get back to how it was in the beginning...just talking about what is going on in your lives, how you are feeling, any NSVs that you have, things you want to work on, etc!

Keep rocking it out ladies!


  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    I will officially weigh in on Monday, I have done poorly this past week with gorging 3 nights. :angry: So I need to get my Butt back on track. I eat well all day & then BAM!!! Night time I go crazy. But I did good yesterday And I feel like I'm back on track today.

    Till the end of this challenge, I will go back eating an average of 1200 calories a day.

    Don't know what NSV's stands for?

    I hope everyone has a Great weigh in today!
    Have a wonderful weekend
  • forgiven4life
    forgiven4life Posts: 451
    Bump for later.

    Feeling so unmotivated.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    0.6 pounds down officially Fri on Fri in a week, and averaged it's closer to 1 pound when taking out the fluctuations. It's all very interesting -- my BMI is just above 27 now, and that's a range I've barely ever been in in my adult life, if at all. And when I was less active than I'm now. So what might be frustrating -- a clear slow-down in weight loss -- is probably just the normal adjustment of my body getting towards levels of fat content that are normal for it.

    What is surprising is the amount of fluctuation. I've had mainly hormonal fluctuation before, or ups and downs linked to specific special meals outside the home, or water retention due to exercise. Right now, it's a pound or two up and down overnight with no specific reason. My (naturally thin) friend told me her weight always fluctuated like that. So maybe it's just something to get used to and avoid getting frustrated by.

    The other thing is that I'm ... hungrier. A lot more active, but also more often ravenous. I've also been eating slightly more carbs than before (looking closely at my macronutrient report), but I don't know if that's a cause or an effect. I am looking into how to increase high-protein snacks.

    It's been very rewarding up to now to see > 2 pounds a week disappear from the scale on average for about 6 months, but as of now, I've adjusted my expectation to 1 pound/week. That's what I'm aiming for -- and getting fitter.

    Other goals are :

    - Get back in the gym for strength training
    - Ride > 50 miles a week on my bike (which I won't make if I have other plans for the weekend, such as this one, when my friend and I are taking a fly fishing course)
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    This week I am up 2 pounds. Jumping on the scale this morning was devastating for me. I have been running, doing yoga, and really watching my carbs, calories, etc. +2lbs?? I wanted to cry. Maybe its water retention from the running and the humidity that I woke up to this morning. Who knows.

    On the more positive side, my body feels good. I feel smaller. My clothes are fitting better. So I know that things are working but it is still frustrating. I'm thinking that I might just give up the scale for a few weeks because it really has an effect on my day. Ugh.

    The reality is that even if I give up weighing in, I don't want to give up being healthy and eating well. I am starting to think that I'm never going to be below 185 and I'll never be thin. This is insane. Six months and 14lbs lost. =(
  • forgiven4life
    forgiven4life Posts: 451
    This week I am up 2 pounds. Jumping on the scale this morning was devastating for me. I have been running, doing yoga, and really watching my carbs, calories, etc. +2lbs?? I wanted to cry. Maybe its water retention from the running and the humidity that I woke up to this morning. Who knows.

    On the more positive side, my body feels good. I feel smaller. My clothes are fitting better. So I know that things are working but it is still frustrating. I'm thinking that I might just give up the scale for a few weeks because it really has an effect on my day. Ugh.

    The reality is that even if I give up weighing in, I don't want to give up being healthy and eating well. I am starting to think that I'm never going to be below 185 and I'll never be thin. This is insane. Six months and 14lbs lost. =(

    I hear ya girl! I'm in the same boat, but out of all fairness I haven't been doing my best. I keep yo-yoing with my eating. One day I will get to the point I need to be. Don't give up! If we give up, we will definately be back to where we were and we don't want that. We have worked too hard for these 15 lbs we have lost. Just keep trucking.
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    So this has been a frustrating journey for me so far. I work my butt off, eat right, and get poor results. Some of you may know that I actually almost gave up a couple of weeks ago. I am still hanging in there though. I can't do much more than eat right and exercise. I have gone from 2 and 3 hours in the gym to at least 30 minutes and I just can't stress over it any more. My dietitian gave up on me--she doesn't know what else I should do since she said I was doing everything right. I've been as low as 800 calories a day and as high as 1800 but nothing seems to give. Guess the next step is to get my hormone levels checked if I can ever get in to see the doc. In the meantime, I am going to stick to my 1200-1600 calories a day and exercise. I have learned a lot on this journey though and met some amazing people. You guys have really helped me to stick with it even without the results I want. Although I don't see the results I want, I am feeling better overall and sleeping better at night, so there have been some positive changes. I appreciate all you guys. I could not do this alone!
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    So this has been a frustrating journey for me so far. I work my butt off, eat right, and get poor results. Some of you may know that I actually almost gave up a couple of weeks ago. I am still hanging in there though. I can't do much more than eat right and exercise. I have gone from 2 and 3 hours in the gym to at least 30 minutes and I just can't stress over it any more. My dietitian gave up on me--she doesn't know what else I should do since she said I was doing everything right. I've been as low as 800 calories a day and as high as 1800 but nothing seems to give. Guess the next step is to get my hormone levels checked if I can ever get in to see the doc. In the meantime, I am going to stick to my 1200-1600 calories a day and exercise.

    I don't think what I have to say is particularly original or helpful, but I don't want to leave what you wrote just hang here in this thread, so here it goes: I think it's great you aren't throwing the towel. When I started out I had NO idea what to expect, and consider myself lucky that up to now my body has been mostly cooperative. Well, I haven't really increased much in endurance and athleticism, you know... I find there are many who run miles and miles while carrying around more extra weight than I do now. My first notion was to "get healthier", that is, eat approximately right, and in the right quantities, and start moving more and learning how to. And my body obliged by also shedding weight. But it could have been different, and my body could have done confusing things like yours does. And maybe it's starting now to get more difficult, or if not now then next month -- and maybe, hopefully, yours will come around and realize that you want it to let go of some of the stored fat, which is not really needed, and it's safe to do so so GO!

    In any event, what I'm trying to say is: Don't give up. Your troubleshooting is clearly harder than it is for most of us, but you WILL find the right approach at one point. And eating right and exercising right is in itself a good contribution to health and longevity, even if the pounds are still higher than generally desirable.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    bump for later.
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    This week I am up 2 pounds. Jumping on the scale this morning was devastating for me. I have been running, doing yoga, and really watching my carbs, calories, etc. +2lbs?? I wanted to cry. Maybe its water retention from the running and the humidity that I woke up to this morning. Who knows.

    On the more positive side, my body feels good. I feel smaller. My clothes are fitting better. So I know that things are working but it is still frustrating. I'm thinking that I might just give up the scale for a few weeks because it really has an effect on my day. Ugh.

    The reality is that even if I give up weighing in, I don't want to give up being healthy and eating well. I am starting to think that I'm never going to be below 185 and I'll never be thin. This is insane. Six months and 14lbs lost. =(

    I hear ya girl! I'm in the same boat, but out of all fairness I haven't been doing my best. I keep yo-yoing with my eating. One day I will get to the point I need to be. Don't give up! If we give up, we will definately be back to where we were and we don't want that. We have worked too hard for these 15 lbs we have lost. Just keep trucking.

    Thank you for those words of encouragement, Brandy. I needed them. :)
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    I'm still waiting to do my final weigh in on Monday, But Thank Goodness I'm back down after my 3 night food gorge.
    It's So scary falling off the wagon, It terrifies me. Whew!!!

    It's So freakin easy to gain the weight but So darn hard to get it off :explode: Just Su---ckS!!!!!!

    Keep Strong Ladies, This is a tough journey. BUT WE CAn ALL Do IT!!!! RIGHT? :drinker:

    I posted pic's on my profile page, of my walking journey to the beach, If anyone cares to take a look. :wink:
    I'm So top heavy UGH!!!! I could Lose 10 pounds up there alone :noway: . Still 15 to 20 pounds to go :huh:

  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hello Gorgeous Ladies!!! I am proud to report that I have finally stuck to working out again!!! I have been under calories everyday this week!!! Thats a huge step for me considering how terrible I have been since the end of April LOL...I also have a NSV to report!!! The very first time I started running the fastest I could run was on 9.8 for 2 minutes ( I would then do 2 minutes on 5.0 and alternate back and forth) Now I have gotten up to 11.5 for 2 mins at a time!!!!!:happy: I never thought I would be able to go that fast!!! I just hope i can stick with it now!!!
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I am happy to report I am still with the group, even though I have been on a plateau since the mid-point. I was so happy to be staying on course the whole first half, but then I just stopped losing. I also have done several things to try to shake out of this plateau, but so far, all I can report is an average loss (after removing all the gains) of about .5 pounds per week since the mid-point. It is still better than gaining, but certainly isn't the 1.5-2 pounds per week I had been losing, and it has been a true roller coaster of gains and hard-fought-for losses.

    I do feel tremendously healthier and stronger. I helped my son move Friday, and was able to carry furniture and heavy boxes up two flights of steps with very few breaks. I have sore calves, but otherwise I came out pretty much unscathed. That is an accomplishment!

    I also look so-o-o much better in clothes. I am in a healthy BMI, my waist measurement is below the danger zone, and I have a body fat percentage that is considered upper-end healthy for a woman my age. All very good things.

    I guess I am just frustrated because I wanted to be at my goal weight by June 1st. It is so close, but I just can't get there! Only 10-12 pounds, but it just won't budge!

    It has been great fun buying clothes in sizes I haven't worn since I was 20. Of course they aren't the same sizes. I found a really old pair of size 12 shorts that fit me perfectly, even though in new clothes I'm wearing 8's and even a few 6's. It is still a great feeling to put on clothes in "normal" sizes, not plus sizes, or the euphemistic "women's" sizes. And it is tremendous fun to tease my teen daughters that I want to borrow their clothes.

    I am very glad I joined this group, and it really did keep me on track and working hard. I won't be joining the summer group because I will be away so much of the summer, but I wish you well. I will still be in contact with everyone who's on my friend list.

    Here's to a great last 2 weeks! I can't wait to see how many total pounds the group loses.
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    (I am posting this in both the weigh-in and the discussion strings.)

    Hey, I'm not trying to be a pain, but I noticed at least one person whose totals are wrong on the spreadsheet. I have been neck-in-neck with simplyxaddicted this whole challenge, but her total is listed higher than it should be. I thought maybe everyone could check their totals and see if they are right, rather than making one person check them all. Just subtract your current weight from your first weight and see if it matches the number in the total column.
    Mine is correct.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I finally found you guys! I am so happy to be apart of such a wonderful group. Regretfully, I will not be returning to the next challenge. I am going to limit the number of challenges I'm in because I need to focus more on my home life. Which involves getting a new job. But I'm not scared this time. I'm actually excited about buying new business casual clothes in a smaller size. I'm excited to meet my future employer and let them see all the new confidence that radiates from me now.

    I feel like I can do anything. I feel like I maximized my time off from work and used it wisely to get fit and to learn how to eat properly. I was able to find out who I am and what I want.

    The compliments are pouring in now, when I least expect them. But I welcome them instead of denying them or having doubts that the person is actually sincere in their comments.

    I'm looking forward to the summer. To wearing tank tops and shorts. Can't say I'm thrilled about wearing a swim suit, but its a work in progress and I am confident that I can get there by summer. I want everyone to see how hard work really does pay off.

    I can't wait to see everyone's final after picture. Everyone has been doing such a great job. This was a long road and I am proud of everyone who stuck it out, despite the fact that every week was not a perfect one. We didn't give up and that's what matters most!

    Love ya!
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    Up from 191.2 to 193.
    Not exactly going in the right direction.
    I have not been able to work out for over a week because of some health issues- back in the saddle today.
    I am discouraged but am by no means giving up... I have come to far to go back. Just ordered another pair of running sneakers,,, and two running shirts with back zipper poclets (for my iphone/ ipod). Off we go! First official 5K in 6 days!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I have for sure had my ups and downs! But the positive thing is that I finally got my weight loss moving again. 12 lbs gone so far and under 200 lbs. I can do anything I set my mind to! I have join the gym. I can bench press 105 lbs yes only one but I did it! Getting down to a size 14, and wearing large pants and having lots of fun in the bedroom. (sorry had to say it but it gets so much more better the more I lose.)

    The things I want to continue working on are my flexibly, abs (stomach flab), arm flab in the tricep area, be able to do a regular push up, getting to a size 10 or 8 I will figure it out when I get there and see how I feel, being a hot skinny mom and not know as the fat one and hiking more.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello group / Sunshines! :flowerforyou:

    I'm not feeling to good about my weigh in. I guess I should be happy it didn't go up. lost .2 lbs ( Point ... 2 ) UGH!!! :sad:
    I weighed in at 146.6 lbs today

    But I know I had gorged 3 nights last week and it showed, I just didn't have time to take it back off. Plus I'm slowing down on the exercise. I should have taken my walk yesterday but decided to enjoy myself on our boat.

    Had a Great time boating, fishing & sunbathing yesterday. Now it's time to get back in the groove. My Husbands off today, So taking another day off from exercise :blushing: . I'm back trying to eat 1200 to 1300 calories a day, so hopefully that will help with the no-exercises.

    Laura... congrat's! on the scale going back down again. I love your profile pic & your ticker pic. The kids are adorable
    emma... Good attitude! Stay strong! I hope your health is better
    Leela.... Luv Ya! Good luck on the job hunt / Awesome your getting compliments pouring in! Feeling Great! Feel's Awesome
    givprayz... Your in a healthy BMI Congratulations You Made it! Whooo Hooo :drinker:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    This week I am up 2 pounds. Jumping on the scale this morning was devastating for me. I have been running, doing yoga, and really watching my carbs, calories, etc. +2lbs?? I wanted to cry. Maybe its water retention from the running and the humidity that I woke up to this morning. Who knows.

    On the more positive side, my body feels good. I feel smaller. My clothes are fitting better. So I know that things are working but it is still frustrating. I'm thinking that I might just give up the scale for a few weeks because it really has an effect on my day. Ugh.

    The reality is that even if I give up weighing in, I don't want to give up being healthy and eating well. I am starting to think that I'm never going to be below 185 and I'll never be thin. This is insane. Six months and 14lbs lost. =(

    I know the feeling girly....but i have a theory about weight loss...any amount of weight you lose in any given time is so much better than packing on the pounds for months and months. I am happy that you are not giving up. I have figured out a long time ago, that the scale is not my friend lol. So many ups and downs our bodies do, just for the heck of it. So don't get discouraged.
    have for sure had my ups and downs! But the positive thing is that I finally got my weight loss moving again. 12 lbs gone so far and under 200 lbs. I can do anything I set my mind to! I have join the gym. I can bench press 105 lbs yes only one but I did it! Getting down to a size 14, and wearing large pants and having lots of fun in the bedroom. (sorry had to say it but it gets so much more better the more I lose.)

    The things I want to continue working on are my flexibly, abs (stomach flab), arm flab in the tricep area, be able to do a regular push up, getting to a size 10 or 8 I will figure it out when I get there and see how I feel, being a hot skinny mom and not know as the fat one and hiking more.

    Great job girl...bench pressing and stuff lol wonderful job! And you are right about the bedroom thing...trust me, I understand lol.

    Up from 191.2 to 193.
    Not exactly going in the right direction.
    I have not been able to work out for over a week because of some health issues- back in the saddle today.
    I am discouraged but am by no means giving up... I have come to far to go back. Just ordered another pair of running sneakers,,, and two running shirts with back zipper poclets (for my iphone/ ipod). Off we go! First official 5K in 6 days!!

    Glad you are back at it...a 5k will definitely be awesome. I need to sign up for one and actually complete it, just to have that achievement under my belt you know? Good for you girl...keep it up!

    I finally found you guys! I am so happy to be apart of such a wonderful group. Regretfully, I will not be returning to the next challenge. I am going to limit the number of challenges I'm in because I need to focus more on my home life. Which involves getting a new job. But I'm not scared this time. I'm actually excited about buying new business casual clothes in a smaller size. I'm excited to meet my future employer and let them see all the new confidence that radiates from me now.

    I feel like I can do anything. I feel like I maximized my time off from work and used it wisely to get fit and to learn how to eat properly. I was able to find out who I am and what I want.

    The compliments are pouring in now, when I least expect them. But I welcome them instead of denying them or having doubts that the person is actually sincere in their comments.

    I'm looking forward to the summer. To wearing tank tops and shorts. Can't say I'm thrilled about wearing a swim suit, but its a work in progress and I am confident that I can get there by summer. I want everyone to see how hard work really does pay off.

    I can't wait to see everyone's final after picture. Everyone has been doing such a great job. This was a long road and I am proud of everyone who stuck it out, despite the fact that every week was not a perfect one. We didn't give up and that's what matters most!

    I love everything you said here...besides not joining the next challenge lol...But I totally understand. This is probably why this is the only challenge I did and don't plan on doing other ones really...it's enough to focus on one. But you will definitely see how receptive people are to your new confidence. I know that when I went in this time looking for jobs in March...I was way more confident in who I was, what I looked like and it was so much easier for people to see that I was an outgoing personality. Good luck girl...you will land something that is just perfect for you!
  • LJ0508
    LJ0508 Posts: 122 Member
    Hey ladies...just thought I'd pop in. I was on vacation last week so I wasn't able to weigh in but I did this morning and once again the scale is given me different numbers. While on vacation, I received the motivation I needed to push myself!! I would like to add more but I have to run to class.