
armywife121110 Posts: 117
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
So I literally kicked my *kitten* every day this week. I did the 30 DS everyday (plus a double workout yesterday) and ran, Monday, Wed, n today for 30 min. I burned everything I ate every day this week and I got on the scale and only lose two lbs!! Last week I lost 6 so I'm just a little disappointed in the number this week..... I hope im gaining muscle somewhere to compensate for the low number... Sorry everyone just a little vent :(


  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Don't get discouraged. It's progress in the right direction. And don't get too hung up on the numbers on a scale. Body fat % and body measurements are a better indication of progress. Keep going. 1-2 lbs. per week is healthy and sustainable. Don't give up.
  • I'm sorry, but r u seriously complaining about a 2 lb weight loss in 7 days?
  • thx!! I'm just trying really hard and I want it to show. On a good note though I did lose inches!! :)
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    I would kill for your results. I've been sticking to my calories and getting some (but not a ton) of exercise in every day for the last 8 WEEKS and have only lost 1 lb. ONE POUND!!! I'm going to see a doctor next week to see if there is something off because this is crazy town. Keep up the great work, and thanks for leading the way for people like me!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    I'm sorry, but r u seriously complaining about a 2 lb weight loss in 7 days?
    Yes, she is, and that's okay - everyone loses at different rates!

    I think your hard work is impressive! Keep it up - you'll end up where you want to be!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    How's your sodium intake been the past few days? That could easily cause the scales to show a gain when there really wasn't.

    Edit: Oh, I thought you said you were UP 2 pounds. Disregard the above, and rejoice in losing 2 pounds. You shouldn't even TRY to lose more than that! :smile:
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    A healthy weight loss isn't more than 2lbs a week and actually 1 lb a week is recommended for health reasons. I think you are doing great the way you are.
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    2 lbs is FABULOUS!!!! Thanks for sharing your success :-) It's encouraging to me!
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    I also have been kicking my own butt, eating super good and running my butt off every day... 4 miles is a short work out any more... and I have been at a plateau for like 3 weks

    I about did a back flip with excitement when I lost 1.8 today... so girlie, CELEBRATE YOUR 2 POUNDS!! That is AWESOME!! I wish i could lose that every week!!

    You also don't look heavy in your profile pic, so its less likely that you will drop big numbers. but that's okay!! You are obviously doing a great job, because you lost TWO POUNDS!! Woo hoo!!
  • donbet69
    donbet69 Posts: 133
    Don't sweat it. I have had an 11 day and a 7 day stretch with no weight loss. These are usually followed by substantial loss over the course of a few days as my body got used to new workout patterns.
  • ahhh. The dreaded scale. I have a daughter in law who weighs every day. She gets very discouraged because she does not see a drastic change. Well, your not going to. proper weight loss should be around 2 lbs a week. If you do at least that you should be very happy. I refuse to step on a scale, for a five week period, I usually see around a 12 lb loss, and feel great about it.
  • bacarter18
    bacarter18 Posts: 48 Member
    There are always going to be good days/weeks and bad ones. I know at first, the pounds will come off easy... but then it will get harder and harder as your body changes (like on The Biggest Loser!). Wonder why the last 10 or so pounds are always the hardest?? well, that's why! You may also be building muscle, which weighs more than fat. And YES! look at your inches! You might see that decrease one week instead of your pounds.

    KEEP AT IT!! YOU'RE DOING GREAT!! don't get discouraged :)
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I burned everything I ate

    Is this literal? As in your net cals was 0 or below 1200? If so then that's why you didn't lose as much as you wanted. You need to eat back most of your exercise cals to fuel your body.

    Your initial enormous loss of 6lbs a week may also have been water weight plus the shock of exercising and eating well suddenly so you won't see it often unless you are in that weight category.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    So I literally kicked my *kitten* every day this week. I did the 30 DS everyday (plus a double workout yesterday) and ran, Monday, Wed, n today for 30 min. I burned everything I ate every day this week and I got on the scale and only lose two lbs!! Last week I lost 6 so I'm just a little disappointed in the number this week..... I hope im gaining muscle somewhere to compensate for the low number... Sorry everyone just a little vent :(

    Wow, you should not be burning everything you eat, your body needs fuel, over a few days or weeks of this you can really mess your body up. Follow MFP guidelines and eat your exercise calories back to lose your goal amount of weight. If you have less than 75 lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is too much, and you should net a minimum of 1200 calories (1200 plus eat back what you burn from exercise)
  • missanitab
    missanitab Posts: 12 Member
    Wow....Ive been told the best way to lose weight is slow and steady so that it stays off...2 pounds isnt alot to you?? I lost .8 and Im super excited...... ..2 pounds would be huge for me...
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Just keep busting butt and it will fall off again! dont worry!!!
  • jenn9253
    jenn9253 Posts: 19
    losing inches is what counts the most girl! Gaining muscle is a good thing :wink:
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    This is so ridiculous. Not you, just how people are with the scale.... What does the scale do, it a measurement of weight... you eat don't you, you drink don't you, your body changes constantly throughout the day, there are thousands of things going on in your body that you're not aware of.... some hold on to water, some hold on to nutrients, some get rid of that stuff... A scale is a very very unpractical way of measuring a living organism.

    haha I just had a crazy idea, I wish people would have the ability to sit on a scale all day, and go thorough their daily lives, so they can see how radically it can change. I have seen my weight go up and down 5lbs IN THE SAME DAY. Try weighing yourself before and after you work out, see the changes.. You know way to get most discouraged? Weigh yourself 4 times a day, do it for a week and watch the changes.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I burned everything I ate

    Is this literal? As in your net cals was 0 or below 1200? If so then that's why you didn't lose as much as you wanted. You need to eat back most of your exercise cals to fuel your body.

    Your initial enormous loss of 6lbs a week may also have been water weight plus the shock of exercising and eating well suddenly so you won't see it often unless you are in that weight category.

    I 100% second this. If you burned everything you ate, literally, there's your answer I'll say.
  • mnlawgirl
    mnlawgirl Posts: 12
    2 lbs a week is perfect! Like the others have said, 1-3 lbs a week is healthy and they way to go. One thing that helps is to remember this is not Biggest Loser. There is no way I am going to lose 10+lbs a week. I am happy to see the scale go down each week. No matter how small the number is.

    Take care! :smile:
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