WOW I DID IT 42 lbs in 100 days 225-183 35 year old male

thanks to MFP and my wife for all work and effort ;-) I was drinking 8-10 pepsi's a day (all free btw) I work for a food delivery company and my wonderful customers would just give me them and well food too, I also work at Pizza hut on the weekends so well ya know what that all intales LOL, so on the first day i started MFP I had to tell all those wonderful people that water would be just fine for me ;-) My wife "Michelle McGuire" made a huge change in our diets ;-) and thats preaty much it, just eating portioned meals instead of just eating till its gone and then some ;-) watching what we ate and when we ate it, I did do some excersiseing , but not much, I usually only ran on the treadmill 4 days aweek for a half hour, but now I joined they YMCA and am going there 2 days aweek to do stregnth training to build muscle now
its funny how just in the last few weeks EVERYBODY is shocked how much I have lost LOL, I have people asking my wife and other friends if I am sick or have cancer since I have lost so much weight,

I really wish I had some pics of before and after but I am the one that loves to take pics so I am not really in any of the pics that I can find LOL

now the fun part is buying a whole new wardrobe for out family, my wife has also lost 30lbs ;-) i

now the hard part is mentally geting used to a little hire calorie intake, I was taking in about 1400 but now with set at 1/2 llb a week loss (cause holy cow, if I set it at stay the same LOL the cals were out of this world since my mind was used to 1400) LOL its up to I think 2400, thats 1000 more than I was used to, but I have to figure out how to get close to that goal without eating JUNK LOL

Friend me if ya want ;-)


  • shellgoff
    shellgoff Posts: 189 Member
    Good job! I give you credit sticking to it,! Working in the food industry, must make it hard! But you did it! Keep at it!
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Thats awesome, great job!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Great job! It's so awesome that your family went on this journey together and is now much healthier. Congratulations!
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