Gym Etiquette



  • grahambb3
    grahambb3 Posts: 7
    Sorry but sometimes Gas happens. As your body gets moving, more than just the blood gets circulating. I will admit I have released gas while on the elliptical...just understand that I didn't stand there saying "I sooo want to gross out the person next to me so I'm going to let it rip." It just happens sometimes by surprise and it can be as embarrassing for the gasser as the it is annoying to the one being gassed.

    My peeve is when people aren't polite at the gym. This sweet old man saw an empty exercise ball sitting against the weight rack with no one next to it so he rolled it out and started doing crunches. A young guy ran over and yelled at him saying he shouldn't take things other people were using. The guy had been at least 20 feet away lifting weights in front of the mirror so I wouldn't not have considered the ball in use!

    that's just plain nasty! how can you be using something so far away?!

    Agree though, i don't like impolite people full stop! My gym seems a bit cliquey, it's the same people every day and they all seem to know eachother. no one tries to make you feel welcome, but i do only go to work out and go. but still, a polite hello wouldn't go amiss sometimes...
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    After I work around them a bit and give them a chance to wrap up, I just walk right up, flash a huge smile and say something like (for hip abductor machine) "do you mind? 'Cause after three kids, this is the ONLY thing that can reset my SI joint *laugh*".

    Works great and heck, even people on the other machines smile in relief!

    I have yet to ask to squeeze in in the actual weight room. I won't do it unless I can handle the same weight they have stacked up on the bar because it would take to much time to convert between sets and it's mostly guys with 90+ lbs on the bar!
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