Diet Soda: Friend OR Foe??



  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    In my opinion, if you're not concerned about the crazy crap that's in it, there's really nothing wrong with diet pop. I started this in November and switched to diet pop then. I lost a lot of weight, fast. I gave up pop for Lent and didn't notice a difference in my weight loss. If all you're concerned about is how it will affect your weight loss, then my experience tells me it doesn't make a difference. But remember to drink your water too!
  • saral89
    saral89 Posts: 108 Member
    I drink Diet Coke DAILY, and I dotn see that it has hurt my weight loss progress. I even went off it for about 2 weeks and results still the same. So for me I don't see why it should hurt your weight loss.
  • lisabel87
    lisabel87 Posts: 152
    It may not hinder weight loss (although there are many sources that say that diet drinks make you crave more sweets versus regular soda that already has the sugar in it and therefore doesn't make you crave sweets)

    Regardless if diet soda is or isn't making you gain weight, its still terrible for your health.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    FOE!! that is all...
  • alexandrarae90
    alexandrarae90 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm cutting out soda because its the fact that you're craving soda in the first place which isn't good. Soda has absolutely NO good thing about it. It doesn't HELP you in any way at all. It does not help your health at all. I'm going to replace allll soda with water. The more I crave soda, the more water I'll drink.. the more water I drink, the better my body will be, my skin will look and healthy I'll feel :)

    gooooodbye soda all together!
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    I drink a diet soda a day as well. It doesn't seem to be affecting my weight loss. And having my happy Diet Dr. Pepper at lunch every day actually keeps me a bit happier and cuts back on my sweet tooth. That said I also drink between 8 and 12 glasses of pure water a day too.

    If your soda is important to you (for whatever reason) then keep drinking it. Or cut it out for a couple of weeks and see if it changes for you.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It doesn't HELP you in any way at all.

    You wouldn't say that if you saw my mood before and after a Diet Dr Pepper. :wink:

    I :heart: my caffeine fix.