Have I put on 5 lbs in 2 days????

It's not possible right? Is it from the water I've been drinking?

I weighed myself this morning and I was 12st 8lbs and now it says I am 13st! I am so distraught!!! I can't be 13st no way!!! I can't gain that amount of weight in an afternoon :O!!!! omg! I haven't even eaten that much over my calorie intake :O:O:O!!! I weigh myself in the mornings and I am around 12.6 to 12.8 and today in less than 4 hours I weigh 13st :O omg.....I can't explain, my heaviest I weighed a few years back was 13.6 I can't go there again no way......and I am trying so hard, I only drink water, I know I have a bit of an addiction to chocolate but I don't have anywhere near what I used to have, if at all...ok yesterday little binge but it didn't even go over 1400 cals when i added it all up! and I can't understand? is it all the water I am drinking? or am I putting on weight? I am eating such good food too! :O

I cannot have put on 4-5 lbs in 2DAYS!!!! I haven't even gone over 1400 cals I swear!!! this is so depressing and breaking me to pieces, I can't do lots of exercise because of the baby downstairs so can't be loud :( I can only go out when were walking the dogs, which we do 3-4 times a day....and I am really really being good with food, breakfast I had 4 weetabix with less than a tbsp of sugar. Lunch I had a pack of mini chocolate coated rice cakes less than 300 calories, and dinner is fresh broccoli with mash, no milk, with one chicken piece....and nothing later so I don't know what I have done to put nearly 5 lbs on :O!!!

I mean when I weighed myself 2 weeks ago when I was living in the UK I weight 12st 11lbs and when I moved here and started eating less and walking more I went down to 12st 8 lbs to 7lbs............and I binged yesterday as I just wrote down for you, and I am drinking over a litre of water a day, it can't be fat I've put on right? it has to be water?????


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Weight can fluctuate daily, yes, even a 5 pound difference. It could be high sodium intake causing it or just hormonal fluctuations. Drinking lots of water has the opposite affect and will not make you appear heavier. You should weigh yourself at the same time every day, specifically in the morning before you eat or drink anything. If I weighed myself first thing, then ate a big breakfast and a liter of water, of course all of that will be sitting in my stomach, undigested, making it appear that I "gained" a few pounds.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I just wrote in my blog about this... let me ask you this... "why are you trying to lose weight?" to look better, feel healthier, fit in to some nice clothes, what is your reason for losing weight? Once you answer that, what does that have to do with the scale?? not one damn thing. Bodyweight can change by as much of 5lbs in one day, positive or negative. So don't focus on the scale focus on achieve what you "REALLY" want out of this journey, not some number in weight.
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    Try not to get down before I started MFP I would weight myself daily some days I would be over 11st and then the next 10st 9lbs use to think this was just mad. Its only since I joined MFP and strictly only get on the scales once a week and the same time (Thursday morning as soon as I wake up) that a see a more settled weight. So yes I would say weight can jump around loads. I'll add you as a friend if you'd like some support.