only 2 workouts a week?

I was reading through one of my old Men's Health Magazines and came across a workout poster inside, knew it was there but didnt pay any attention to it, and it was designed for the MMA fighter GSP, Georges St. Pierre by one of his trainers. The work out is two weight workouts a week, with three phases in the entire program. it does no cover how long each phase is, but i would imagine 3 weeks.

I will be starting it next week and wanted to share with everyone so yall too could try it. I know Im pressed for time, so a workout that is twice a week and only 20-25 minutes would be great if it works.

the workout is as follows.
equipment needed : dumbbells, pull up bar, stability/swiss ball

phase 1: power phase complete each excercise before moving on. rest 2 minutes between sets.
1. dumbbell power cleans 3 sets of 10-12
2. dumbbell push press 3 sets of 10-12
3. dumbbell power clean to press 3 sets of 10-12

phase 2: strength phase complete moves as circuit. 3 circuits, rest 30-60 seconds between each move.
1.turkish get up 5 each side
2.pull up 8-10
3. swiss ball push up with feet elevated 15-20
4. dumbbell front squat 10-12

phase 3: fat burning phase do 20 reps, rest 20 seconds, repeat 8 times
1. squat thrust 20

*disclaimer - I know that not everyone is the same level of fit. that is fine. i did not put weight amounts cause i dont think that is as important as the moves or the rep ranges. feel free to edit the reps for your needs weither you are looking to build muscle or to burn fat.

i hope yall find this helpful. id love to hear yalls thoughts and know if anyone wants to try this with me. ill post results, thoughts and feelings every now and then. let me how yall feel. im always looking for help and input.