Week 4...0lbs lost...plateau or too few calories?



  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Hey there!

    I just browsed at your diary and either you're not logging everything, or you're not eating enough. I know for women you're supposed to eat at least 1200 NET calories/day, for men it's about 1700 (i think). You simply cannot skip meals because that only slows your metabolism, what you want is to kick start it. I know, eat more, lose weight. Doesn't make sense. I still struggle with it. But, I can tell you I have seen some major changes in my body since I started eating more frequently. I do not net my 1200 all the time, but I try and get as close to it as I can. First, try and eat every few hours. Again, I know, doesn't make sense. Have your breakfast, then a few hours later eat a piece of fruit, oatmeal, granola bar, something! Then a few hours later it'll be lunch time. Keep this going all day. Also, drink water!!! I didn't notice any water logged for you, so you have to make sure you get it in there. Again, it's hard, especially if you're not used to doing it. But force yourself to drink it. Trust me, after a while you'll prefer it. You need to drink at least 8 cups of water/day. That's 4 water bottles. What I do is I try and drink at least 3 of those at work. I have one in the morning, one with my lunch, and one in the afternoon. That way I can drink my last water bottle during my workout. If you don't like plain water add crystal light or something like that to it.

    What helped me was researching this stuff online. The more I read, the more sense everything made. I can tell you I'm losing more weight and inches now that I'm eating all the time vs. before. I used to skip breakfast, and sometimes skip dinner too. But the key is eating. Again, I'm still struggling with eating all my exercise calories back, but it's a something I have to work on daily. Plus look at the folks on here who have been successful, and ask them what they've done. Whatever they're doing is working for them so it wouldn't hurt to try it yourself.

    Good luck, hang in there!!!
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    I wish i knew how much more i should eat if i do more exercise. Is it something like if you work off 500 calories, you should eat 250 more?

    Eat what this site tells you to eat. You will lose weight. Try to get that final number of calories as close to ZERO as you can...even if it means you are -5...

    Trust me!!!

    Could not agree more!!!!
  • fittraier
    fittraier Posts: 138
    I am a trainer..and I say eat more! you need to eat your calories you expend, and if you don't want to eat all (because the counter isn't exact in how many you actually burn) eat 1/2 of them you burn.:smile:
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    First of all thank you all for the replies. 24 replies in that short space of time?! Amazing! :)

    Ok, so let me clarify a few things here.

    My main problem is calorie intake vs fat intake. Because pretty much everything i like has some fat in it, if i increase my calories, ill be increasing my fat intake too. What i really want is a pill that contains 300 calories and 0 fat! I really am struggling now to think of how i can add that 3-400 calories into my daily food, without adding more fat.

    Any dinner food i look into for more calories ends up having almost double the fat content of my current things. Ive just noticed pasta is relatively high in calories, but low in fat, so ill start having more of that. But then, i normally have mince with that, and even the lean mince is stupidly high in fat.

    Another point, calories v fat. Which is the more important number to keep low? How much fat should i be taking in? I know the body needs some fat, but whats the level i should be aiming at? Is it simply the lower the better?

    As for water, does that literally have to be actual, neat, water? Do things like sugarfree soda, fruit juice, cordial, tea, coffee, etc count? I take it coffee doesnt as its a diuretic...
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Bump! :)