Excercising Before or after you eat.

I am looking for a little bit of input on thoughts about working out before or after you eat.. I was watching Good Morning America yesterday and a personal trainer said that she tells her clients to work out before they eat so they can burn stored fat. from watching the biggest loser I thought you needed to fuel your body prior to excercising. I am wonder now how to choose what to do.


  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    I don't think it makes much difference just make sure you wait at least a hour after eating before working out.
  • lolowebster
    I heard the same thing?? I am not sure so I do both sometimes for the week.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    After BUT, if you work out in the am you may want a few almonds or apple slices so that you don't feel nauseous since you've gone 8-10 hours w/o food. I love breakfast so I make sure to have 1/2 cup of all bran and skim milk before my spin class on weekends and have a protein shake when I come home. Every other day I workout after work so I eat dinner after and have a shake for dessert by 8:00pm.

    BL eat before they work out? Explains why they’re always barfing and why I won’t watch that show. What they do is not realistic and Jillian is not properly certified, she is a PR individual first and foremost and an instructor second so don't wall into that trap.
  • pkarim
    pkarim Posts: 171
    I usually workout around 5:30pm everyday and I have a snack/small lunch around 3:30 to 4. This is usually something like fruit and fat free yogurt or cottage cheese and maybe an egg. After working out I always have a protein shake, and this is around 7:30 or 8pm so i'm full for the rest of the night. This way I get fuel to burn throughout my workout and then afterwards getting a protein shake will help your body heal faster. I've lost 40 pounds doing this so I really recommend it.
  • Rtrue18
    Rtrue18 Posts: 45
    I always think its best to work out after you eat and hear that much more often. I agree with the whole burning stored fat when working out before eating plus your body burns the food that you eat after a workout faster because your metabolism is up. I don't recomend going to the gym starving though because you won't have a great workout. I usually try to have a snack or powerbar (that doesn't have crazy stats) like an hour or so before a workout. If I go with a growling stomach I just don't get that great of a workout.
  • KaylaKilgore
    KaylaKilgore Posts: 160 Member
    I am looking for a little bit of input on thoughts about working out before or after you eat.. I was watching Good Morning America yesterday and a personal trainer said that she tells her clients to work out before they eat so they can burn stored fat. from watching the biggest loser I thought you needed to fuel your body prior to excercising. I am wonder now how to choose what to do.

    I have asked this question in many different places and go different answers. I would rather, wake up drink a glass of water and work-out then get ready for the day before I have my breakfast.
    I've tried eating an hour before I worked out and I couldn't find motivation to actually do it. That was a fail for me. Plus, the way I see it is if you eat before you work-out your only burning the food that you just ate.
    Although I'm not an health expert. I have read some places that after a weight work-out to eat some protein food which will help the muscles.
  • catrinka77
    catrinka77 Posts: 2
    I eat and then wait at least an hour before working out. I need the boost or I get tired during my workout. Maybe it will change as I get more fit.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    I'm with Good Morning America :wink:

    working out in the morning before eating has been proven to burn 200% more than the same workout after eating.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I work out early and usually try to have about 1/2 a banana before hand. If you are AM working out, you may find it necessary to eat something just to have the energy to get going.

    Long run, I don't think it much matters- everyone has their preferences, research and reasons. But what matters most is however you will keep doing it, so stick with what works best for you.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Personally, I could never exercise with no food in me. Some people love getting up in the morning and straight into exercise but it's different for everyone. I usually will eat something fairly light, enough so I'm not hungry mid workout, wait 30 mins - an hour for it to settle fully and then I'll exercise. After a workout I'll have a protein shake and maybe something to eat again depending on the meal before and how long ago that was.
    I do think you need to fuel your body before a workout but it's important afterwards as well, especially if it's been a big workout.
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    My routine has always been to wake up, weigh myself, go workout, and then eat. It's been giving me good results so far so I'm sticking to that.
  • TurboChels
    TurboChels Posts: 69 Member
    I have found that if I get up,empty stomach, and work out straight away I have to most energy and feel the best. I find that if I workout after breakfast or dinner I feel heavier and even if I wait an hour I still cramp a little. I think it is different for each person, you have to find what works best for you :)
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I usually have some oatmeal first and then do my workout...however I dont wait it out for 30mins, I usually start 10mins after I eat which most people wouldnt agree but when you have 3 kids under 2 then I need to hurry my butt up! lol.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I am really confused now. I read in several places that if you do not eat with in and hour of waking you stall/slow your metabolism for the day, that you need it with in that hour of waking to kick start your metabolism. That said, if you are a morning exerciser do you not eat first thing then? So much conflicting info out there. :huh:
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I usually have something small pre workout. like a banana or a fiber one bar. That way i have some fuel in my, but not a full belly that will make me sick when I am running. And water. Have to have water pre work out.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    working out in the morning before eating has been proven to burn 200% more than the same workout after eating.

    I have to point out that this is a really misleading statistic. The study showed that on average most participants on the same diet doing the same workout but ate after they worked out instead of before did lose more weight on average over the same 6 month period, but the difference was only about 5 lbs. Not 200%.

    Also there are draw backs to not eating before working out- your body doesn't necessarily "attack fat stores" simply because you haven't eaten- it is harder for your body to build and maintain muscle if you aren't fueling your workouts.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    I think it is almost always preferable to eat after since you can push your body into a catabolic state (breaking down muscle fiber for energy) without proper nutrition for your muscles.

    I have started drinking a 1/2 potency protein shake before I start p90x in the morning. It seems to give me a boost. Then when I finish, I drink another full strength. I'm using isopure fat-free, so that gives me about 300 cals for b'fast and lots of protein.

  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I always exercise before I eat.

    Few reasons:

    Food makes me sleepy.
    Exercise is a appetite suppressant for me.
    I make better choices after a good workout.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I am really confused now. I read in several places that if you do not eat with in and hour of waking you stall/slow your metabolism for the day, that you need it with in that hour of waking to kick start your metabolism. That said, if you are a morning exerciser do you not eat first thing then? So much conflicting info out there. :huh:

    There is a lot of conflicting info largely because it's almost all hypothesis. Educated guesses but guesses nevertheless.

    The best thing to do is try out a couple of options and see how you feel. For a lot of people a little bit of food, especially high carb, is a good AM energy booster (hence- banana or energy bar) for really putting your all into a workout. A full meal may be too much, or it may be just right for you. Not eating at all until you are done may make you feel sluggish or it may leave you light enough to get through without feeling sick. Try out what works for you.