How do I tell Mom 'no'

So I am going home to New Orleans, the city of food, to visit my family and friends. They have already started asking me what I want to eat...actually, WHERE I want to eat. They want to take me out to eat to get fried seafood and other buttery delicious, completely unhealthy foods. How do I tell my parents that I don't want the temptation of fried seafood, but would rather stay home and cook a healthy meal together?


  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Exactly how you just said it. Tell them that you are really trying to watch what you eat..and prefer to cook at their house.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    By saying "I don't want the temptation of fried seafood, but would rather stay home and cook a healthy meal together?"
    Your parents may see it as a snub at first, but when they see how excited and committed you are to your health and well-being, that won't last long. Parents generally want the best for their children. Maybe you could suggest exploring to find a new restaurant that has better options that you all can enjoy as a treat.

    You could even do a little research online, find some healthy options and tell them, "Hey, I read about this place, and I am dying to try it." I know there are some 'healthier restaurant options in NOLA so look at it as a challenge to find a way to enjoy the culture guilt and fat free...
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    Share your concerns about bad eating habits and some of your health and fitness goals...hopefully they will support your choices.
  • CristlNothem
    CristlNothem Posts: 54 Member
    I agree....just tell them you want to cook at home. You can still do some of the meals that new orleans is famous for, but do them in a healthier way. I actually live in New Orleans (moved here last week) and everyone keeps telling me to watch my wieght here because of the food. Just be careful that you pa attention to what you eat. It doesnt mean you cant eat any of it, but maybe in smaller portions.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I also agree with just being honest and telling them you'd rather cook and home and not be tempted to overeat at a restaurant. If they really want to take you out to eat, maybe make a compromise and only go out a few times while visiting and ask to pick restaurants that have some healthy options too. I don't see anything wrong in indulging every once in a while, but I know I don't always make the best choices when going to eat either so if there is a compromise on going out to eat, just try to make the best decisions and don't be too hard on yourself if you slip a little. It is a vacation right? A little slip is ok.
  • drasr
    drasr Posts: 181
    You don't have to eat fried food when you eat out. Opt for grilled food. Most of the restaurents have healthy choices these days as well.
    Or you can say how you love food cooked my your mum and would rather have that than go out. Nobody gets hurt and everybody is happy :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    You have it easy: they are asking you what and where you want to eat: at home and you want to cook it together! You could even suggest that y'all try out a new farmer's market together. In your case, it doesn't sound like you need to say what you don't want, they are giving you the option of being positive!!

    Yes, I know it may not play out quite that way, but it is the place to start - be honest with them when they ask. If they really want to take you out, look for a healthier restaurant.

    Personally, I have never gained weight on a trip to New Orleans, I got to Cafe du Monde, but I also have lots of seafood. And I walk and dance.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,138 Member
    Any time you try to upset the status quo, or change the "way we do things" - people will protest. I think what you are asking is how do you make the suggestion without them getting argumentative.

    You can't. They are probably going to "have something to say" about your new lifestyle. It is UP TO YOU AND YOU ONLY what you put in your mouth. Believe me, I've been there with the snip comments about "We can't do everything just because you want to," and it's difficult.

    The best thing I've found to say is, "It's important to me to make healthy food choices."

    If they want / insist on heading to the old favorites, it's just because it gives them comfort in some way. Order the salad and soup, and let them protest.
  • megansmom311
    megansmom311 Posts: 168
    Research some different restaurants in the area and find one that serves seafood that's NOT fried. I'm sure there are some alternatives out there. Grilled shrimp is delicious! Stay strong! You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Instead of ordering the fried food, you could get steamed/boiled or raw. I was down in New Orleans 3 weeks ago for business and took my Mom along. She had planned her sightseeing by what she was going to eat where. When it came to a muffelleta, I just said no... not gonna do it. My solution, just get a turkey on wheat. She wanted po'boys, I got oysters on the half-shell with steamed veggies. She wanted beignets... okay, I did have a beignet, and I didn't DIE from it. In many places it was kind of difficult to find non-fried food, and I did cave in one time having fried oysters. The way I dealt with the extra calories -- did a good workout to burn it off (Mom napped while I worked out). So, after 6 days in New Orleans, I lost 1.5 lbs.

    You can definitely do it. Just plan your days, and get your workouts done. The workouts will give you some extra leeway.

    P.S. Steamed/boiled shrimp and crawdads are CRAZY low cal.
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    Theres a place near me and I used to get blacked chicken and shrimp salad. I'm good with just vinegar (balsamic preferred) but we all have different taste.

    If you know any restaurants names.. look them up. Look up menus. Their are so many sites now with that stuff. Find some options you CAN have. That you want to have that are healthy. Real world thinking.. this is my way of life not a short term diet I will fail with...
  • beckusjane
    beckusjane Posts: 112
    Here's my suggestion: Find a new recipe with healthier choices than those at the local seafood restaurants. Offer to cook dinner for them. Parents LOVE to see their children succeed. While making it, you can talk to them about the new healthier lifestyle outlook you have...when they see how enthusiastic you are, maybe they'll make some small changes. Excitement is contagious. I know because both of my parents have asked me what Ive been eating and theyve asked for suggestions for meals.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    From experience, it may take some time and cause some hurt feelings, but you deserve to stand up for yourself and do what's right by YOU! Like others have said, offer to make them a healthy NON-fried meal!! Best of luck!!