thinking of weight loss surgery

I have been thinking a lot about weight loss surgery lately. Has anyone else done this? Any advice, comments, or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


  • AlleyM146
    I have been thinking a lot about weight loss surgery lately. Has anyone else done this? Any advice, comments, or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I haven't, but I know someone who has. He had lap band. He's doing well.
  • JeremyInvincible
    JeremyInvincible Posts: 264 Member
    Just to add some contrast, I also know someone who had gastric bypass surgery, and it darn near killed him. Please make sure you talk *at length* with an unbiased family physician. You want to know *all* the risks before undertaking something of this magnitude. (and it's an extremely invasive procedure as well)