Having a Bad Day...

KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
So, I'm feeling real down today. I had a weight loss this morning, so that should be encouraging, but I'm feeling sort of Bleh about the whole thing. I've been looking at the success story posts and the Before & After pics and rather than giving me motivation, I'm feeling disappointed because I'm not making the same progress that I was four weeks ago.

I realize that this is silly. I started this journey 6 weeks ago. The weight was melting off easily at the beginning. It always does. And I AM down 22lbs. But I don't see a difference when I look in the mirror. I am not feeling positive today. I'm still sticking to my plan, but I don't know why it's got me down right now.

I don't work out too much - maybe a walk every couple days - and I know that if I did, that would help speed up the loss. I have a gym at my disposal, but I'm scared to go! Again - silly, I know. I guess I'm embarrassed to go to the gym with all the fit people in there and be huffing and puffing after doing 10 minutes on the treadmill. I know that by the end of my 15 or 20 minute walks, I feel like I'm going to keel over and die. But at least at the end of it, I'm at HOME!

I guess I'm just looking for some motivation today...I can do this, right?


  • joannbuist23
    joannbuist23 Posts: 127 Member
    Lol not only fit people work out at gyms. If you'd get up and go, you'd see that the gym is full of people trying to do the same thing you are, lose weight! We all have bad days, don't get discouraged. You can do it! 22 pounds in 6 weeks is amazing!
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    It's a slow journey while we have a fast mind.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm feeling discouraged a bit because all I've lost is 6 lbs in one month. which is actually more of the norm I think. Your down 22 lbs, what I wouldn't give for that. That usually takes months to get there so feel good that you've got that far. Just don't give up. I'm discouraged a bit but I'm not going to backtrack, only plan on moving forward. I'd love to lose a pound a week but if it's only 1 pound in two weeks it's better than nothing. Stay in there, you've already proven you can do it. Good luck.:smile:
  • LeanaJo
    LeanaJo Posts: 85
    So, I'm feeling real down today. I had a weight loss this morning, so that should be encouraging, but I'm feeling sort of Bleh about the whole thing. I've been looking at the success story posts and the Before & After pics and rather than giving me motivation, I'm feeling disappointed because I'm not making the same progress that I was four weeks ago.

    I realize that this is silly. I started this journey 6 weeks ago. The weight was melting off easily at the beginning. It always does. And I AM down 22lbs. But I don't see a difference when I look in the mirror. I am not feeling positive today. I'm still sticking to my plan, but I don't know why it's got me down right now.

    I don't work out too much - maybe a walk every couple days - and I know that if I did, that would help speed up the loss. I have a gym at my disposal, but I'm scared to go! Again - silly, I know. I guess I'm embarrassed to go to the gym with all the fit people in there and be huffing and puffing after doing 10 minutes on the treadmill. I know that by the end of my 15 or 20 minute walks, I feel like I'm going to keel over and die. But at least at the end of it, I'm at HOME!

    I guess I'm just looking for some motivation today...I can do this, right?

    Maybe you're just a little "burned out" by the whole thing. I get that way too sometimes, where I'll just take 2 days off from working out and just enjoy myself (but I still watch my portion size though, that's key in my opinion). But eventually, your mind and body will want to workout again VERY soon, because your body is now getting used to the physical activity that it just won't rest too long.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    You *can* do this. When I started I had loads to lose (still do!) and I was out of breath climbing 1 flight of stairs. Now I trot up them no problem.

    I don't like the gym either so I found different exercise that suits me better; I use EA Sports Active on the PS3 and I walk. You can always find ways to exercise without feeling that people are watching/judging you.

    The important thing is that this is a journey. A journey that you want to make once, and once only. Don't concentrate on the scale, concentrate on eating properly and exercising regularly - the scale will look after itself and the results you gain that way will last a lifetime.

    I've been on this journey since January and it's only now that I really feel that I've made a difference to my life. If I can do it anyone can. :)
  • Tash_Bgosh
    Tash_Bgosh Posts: 46 Member
    Of course you can do this!!!!! I know how you feel. I have been feeling disappointing as well. We all workout and lose weight differently. Youve lost more than me in 6 weeks! and so you're MY insipiration. thats the only way you should look at other sucess. Be happy for them and their stuggle and use that to make you see that in time you will accomplish your goals.

    As for the gym, i was also scared too. I thought I was too fat for the gym lol. Go, take your time, check everything out. Do that for a week and then figure out what you like and what you dont like. I say if youre not a runner (we all arent) walk on the treadmill at an incline or like 8. Wear a heart rate monitor too if they offer one....it helps pass the time when you can focus on your heart rate.

    Good luck!
  • SMK715
    SMK715 Posts: 108
    Lol you should check out my post about going to the gym. I posted it like 20 mins ago. I have the same problem and im having a bad day too. It happens to everyone. People on this website definitely help alot. Its almost the weekend though so be happy :) !!! Take it easy and start up stronger on monday. Everyone needs a break now and again, were human - not machines. Im also struggling to see the progress ive made in the mirror. I read something last night though that was interesting. Instead of worrying about what you look like or how much further you have left to go, take in to consideration what you have already accomplished and be proud - go find something that weighs 22 lbs and pick it up. 6 weeks ago you were carrying that weight around with you, but today you aren't. Have a good weekend!
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    Have you tried doing workouts on DVD at home? Jillian Michaels has put out some kick-butt workouts that have really helped me. I can't afford a gym membership, but I can certainly shell out 10 bucks at Walmart. You know?
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    Hey. We all have bad days, they will continue to come and go. The best thing you can do is try to stay positive. And, yes, you can definitely do this!

    I used to HATE exercising...HATE sweating and huffing and puffing. Now that I've been exercising regularly, I acutally go through work out withdrawls! If I don't work out in the morning, I can't wait to get to the gym after work.

    I reccommend you just go do it! It will be hard at first and you may need to ease yourself into, but I would be willing to bet that the more regular your exercise becomes, the better you will feel! I know I have far much more energy now than I used to!

    Good luck and keep a positive attitude! =)
  • mnskagirl
    mnskagirl Posts: 9
    You are doing so great!!!! Please don't feel down about your slower progress. I know not seeing any loss on the scale is a downer but I am confident that if you are sticking to your plan that inches are probably coming off now. Everyone plateau's at some point just anticipate and one day soon that those pounds will start dropping and you will once again be amazed at how fast it's coming off again.

    Gain strength from friends and loved ones and even this case someone you may not even know. Because we should be as supportive to others as we would like those to be with us. Know that it's a process and not something that comes easy. We ALL know that even if we don't want to admit it.

    I understand the not wanting to work out with others I haven't stepped foot into a gym in years. It is intimadating seeing those people that are in shape and wishing to be at the same level as they are. Just keep it up, seriously don't stress things now if you are working your best at it most of the time WAY TO BE. And if we have a day we mess up or don't do as well NO ONE IS PERFECT.:happy: Tomorrow can only get better if you continue to work hard like you are!!!

    Blessings on your day and continued success on this journey!!!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    YES YOU CAN DO THIS! I know you can..we all have bad days like this...but that's the best part...its just one day..sometimes a few...but its not forever! That just means that you're human!!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the positivity. Your words of encouragement are so helpful. I really appreciate it! And thank you for all the new friends! I'm glad to have ya'll!!!