curves club

coolkat17 Posts: 23 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I joined curves club today as i am intending on dropping in on my way home from work twice a week and maybe three times when i am getting used to it!

Does anyone else belong to curves?


  • Blr31977
    Blr31977 Posts: 49
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I do! I really like it, but you only get out of it what you put in. I see a lot of older women (50's and 60's) who just socialize for most of it and barely workout. I just got my stats checked after being there for about a month and a half and I have improved a lot (I list them in my blog if you want to see them). Does the one you joined have the Curves Smart program?
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Would love to try Curves, but ours is only open a few hours before lunch and a few hours after. Not sure why.
  • coolkat17
    coolkat17 Posts: 23 Member
    yes i got the smart card - it works out the programmes apparently!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I didn't sign up for it, but the manager told me to try their demo since I am about the same height, weight, and build. I'm thinking I will try it next week and see what it says. I just don't know if I can believe what it says for calories burned when it doens't measure heart rate or oxygen levels. But, I will be wearing my HRM to compare with the computer. A lot of the women who use it love it, so it's got to count for something!
  • cmo1987
    cmo1987 Posts: 40 Member
    i joined on 5-10. In one week I lost 3 lbs. I am also watching my diet very closely and push myself very hard. But so far I really enjoy it. I may not be really big, but I am super out of shape, and I have noticed I don't get winded as fast. I haven't started using the curve smart program because we have to be a memeber for a month before we get to use it (according to my locations owner) I try to go everyday but there hours kind of suck. Because of either work or they are closed I can't make it fri sat or sunday. Which really sucks, but I try to do an excercise video on excercise tv. I can't wait for my one month check in- like I said I am pushing myself really hard so I hope it pays off.
  • The hours of my local Curves (in Scotland) are also really odd. Not open all that early, closed all over lunch, close early in the evening, and other odd things that I can't remember, but put me right off.

    Another things...women only gyms. How do they get away with that? We'd be up in arms if a gym opened that openly excluded women!
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