You need to be honest with yourself folks.....



  • Kristy0728
    Kristy0728 Posts: 63
    It is SO much easier to blame WW, SouthBeach, and Atkins than it is to say that you were not able to do what the "programs" require.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    ProudMomoftwo Posts: 525
  • fitcrew
    fitcrew Posts: 67 Member
    I agree when you say everyone is different,BUT some people try more than one of these programs which are not all alike....weight watchers is an amazing program no matter how you slice it....some of the other "diets" are bogus because they try to deprive you of things your body needs...its a money maker for some jackwagon thinking that their diet is best for everyone and thats not true :)

    My point is that these people jump from one diet to another.....when you have tried numerous diets......I believe u arent putting forth the effort....I also believe that people need to learn about these diets and about their bodies before trying multiple different ones....if you try a "diet for a week or a month OF COURSE its gonna work.....your body hasnt been able to get the ball rolling,then we hear ohhh I need carbs.DUH everyone needs carbs to FUEL....unless of course you have a certain disease or something of that nature....I know diabetics are restricted in different ways,I dont know enough to talk about it but I do agree with these people having different needs.....all in all our bodies were all made form the same mold....the basics of weight loss principles have been construed so much that people dont really know HOW to lose weight effectively and with health being the main principle therefore diet fads suck IMO....just eat healthy foods that work for you and get of your rear and BAM!!
  • fitcrew
    fitcrew Posts: 67 Member
    I agree with you to a point. We Do make our own choices and are responsible for the consequences of them. BUT....some of those programs DONT work because they are not healthy. In some of those programs you have to give up fat or carbs or sugar. All of these are part of a healthy diet when eaten in moderation. It's all a balancing act. To lose weight you have to eat healthy and exercise. It's a simple as that. There is no "quick fix". It takes time, courage, and the right mind set to do it and do it right.

    I don't think the OP is defending crash dieting, and the plans the OP listed do include all macronutrient groups and encourage exercise.

    Regardless of whether you count points, or carbs, or calories, and are losing weight at a healthy rate with a balanced food're working toward the common goal of everyone here - to lose weight, keep it off, and be healthy.

    I DO NOT use nor even promote diet "fads" I encourage people to experiment with healthy food and find out what does work for them and get active :) People used to ask "whats your secret?!?!?) I dont have one!!!!!!!!!!!! I eat healthy and workout.
  • fitcrew
    fitcrew Posts: 67 Member
    Weight loss is a serious mental game as much as it is physical. You have to really, truly decide to do it; and do if for yourself!

    Soooo true!!

  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I believe in just eating normal foods. i hate veggies and won't eat them, I hate baked chicken. yuck. I love fruit so I am learning to eat my normal foods in moderation. I am adding a supplement drink/shake to take over one meal but only because it has added nutrients I won't eat otherwise. If Atkins or whatever works for some people great. But, I think people need to just stick to learning how to eat real foods and not diet foods. And I used to make excuses too like others. It's all a state of mind. Those people just aren't ready to hear they are responsible and no more excuses.
  • daddeeo
    daddeeo Posts: 33
    Well said and I agree completely. However, I do believe that what MFP provides is the best way to lose weight. Burn more than you eat and have a access of calories.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I agree with you....and I'm one of those people you just called out in your post.... I have said in some of my replies that I have tried WW and it didn't work. What I mean to say is that the method of teaching me to eat healthy as a long term change was not satisfied (by my standards and my current needs and goals) by WW Points Plan. It's a good plan! No excuses! and BTW I lost almost 60 pounds in 7 months following the WW diet "in 1986". I was 18 yrs then and about to graduate high school. The difference in the diet plans is that the program taught you to eat nutritiously. Now I feel like WW is about marketing and making money. Back in 1986 you were counselled and advised to eat x # of servings of Protien, vegetables, fruit, glasses of water and there were lists of items you could choose from to satisfy those criteria. I ultimately gained the weight back over several years from laziness, having children, and a major family chrisis that was a trigger for me to start to lose control of my eating. I went back to WW about a year ago because that had worked for me in the past. And this time I brought my 12 year old daughter with me. What I realized is that the Points system currently in use by WW-- simple enough concept to follow -- was too complicated for my daughter to wrap her mind around and too liberal. Yes, she can read that a snack has 2 point and a WW frozen meal has 5 points and she can add up daily points. We figured out points for non WW food items and wrote #'s on packaging. But we weren't feeling like this was a long term commitment. Buying WW everything for 3 people got to be expensive. The kids would eat 3 snacks instead of 1, 6 point meal. They didn't necessarily go over on their "points" but they weren't losing weight either. As a long term strategy to lose weight and keep it off we needed to learn to identify a healthy size portion; we needed to learn to like fresh fruit and vegetables; and to eliminate processed foods from 90% of our regular meal plan. The original WW diet --> protein, vegetables, fruit, water, oil, multivitamin, fiber (among other things) worked and it was a healthy lifestyle. We aren't perfect eaters and probably will never be perfectly clean eaters. The weight isn't melting off of us but we have each lost 20lbs since finding MFP. I'm here to change my life, not just drop a few pounds. And I hope to change the course of my daughter's life now before she spends her best childhood years chasing a number on a scale and being harassed by kids at school. Thanks for you honesty....
  • countrygirl_717
    Well said