I am not a patient person!

I am getting bored with this process - I'm not a very patient person, and while it's a good thing I'm losing weight at a slow and steady pace, I get frustrated that my official weigh-ins are a week apart. I just want to jump ahead to where I've already lost the weight and can maintain. I don't have an issue with the amount of food I eat, etc. but I do have an issue with feeling like I have to track it so carefully.

My problem has always been the AMOUNT of food I take in at one time, not the healthy-ness of it. I've always eaten a pretty healthy diet (maybe too many carbs :blushing: but not bad). This last couple of months has shown me portion size control, which is good. However I am just getting so tired of it!

I log my food for breakfast and lunch (on weekdays) the night before and usually figure out dinner before I leave work. On weekends, I plug in my food before I eat it (usually) just to make sure I'm staying on-track. Rarely do I have to change what I want to eat.

Oh well, I know if I don't log it as closely, I'll end up eating way too much and gain all of this weight back. Now to lose these 10 pounds and freak out about maintainence!