New to myFitnesspal

Hey all! I'm 25 and new to the site. I am looking for friends that are looking to lose weight and can help with tips on eating less, working out, and all the other good stuff that comes along with getting in shape. Encouraging words are the best and are needed..


  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    Hi Fallion, I'm new too.........about 20 minutes or so.

    I'm seriously looking for a weight loss buddy who will help me get on track and stay there,

    I have yikes, 73 lbs to lose.

    I am a vegetarian (6 years), the rest of my family are carnivores. I usually stay on track with my calories, stay away from processed foods, sugars, white, potatoes though will slip every so often, and I just mark it off in my calorie counter.

    I go to Yoga, 2 times a week, but have a hard time after a long day to get on my exercise equipment....and there in lies the rub. Time I answer emails, fix dinner, walk the dogs, ...boy is it hard to get on my exercise equipment.

    So.........if you or any other one reading this post would like a friend who will always be in your front row cheering, knowledgable about food, portions tips, working out, ( I know, don't alway do--that is where you come in)...and if you want a my fitnes pal who will be there until you reach your goal..........I'm your friend.

    Anyone interested, please write. I'm.....MyFriend Linn.........and I need you! Linn
  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    First tip on Not going back for seconds.

    It actually takes twenty minutes for your stomach to email your brain to let you know its full. So my rule...from Bob Harper, Bob Greene and Julian Michaels is its ok to go back for seconds if I'm hungry....IF I AM HUNGRY.....but only after I wait that critical 20 minutes. So far, I've been doing this for a year..........haven't gone back for seconds one time!

    Second Tip of the Day

    Know and understand what a portion size is. Do you know 20 years ago the plates in the Home and restaurants were the size of regular size paper plates. Everything is supersized and we are eating way too much. Your plate does not have to be overflowing. So............size of the plate and size of the portion matters.

  • hecallsmeroses
    Hello everyone,

    I found this site by accident and what a geat accident it was. This may be just what I need to stay accountable to myself. Looking forward to getting my program started and succeeding.
  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    Hi friend at work told me about this site. Its amazing, I will be here for the long term. Nice to see you and you can already count one new!