What's your favorite exercise?

MeganMiracle Posts: 8
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Tell me about it :) I like getting ideas from people and just learning about people in general. :) Feel free to tell me your least favorite or add me as a friend as well. I'm supportive, I promise! :)


  • chattygirl2
    chattygirl2 Posts: 103
    SWIMMING!!! <3 I get to burn calories and get a tan!!
  • arhzon
    arhzon Posts: 150
    I like burpees, and doing jiu-jitsu.
  • aladd2
    aladd2 Posts: 70
    My favorite type of exercise is plyometrics! Lots of jumping and fast movements really pumps me up. My least favorite is strength exercises/yoga exercises because there's not a lot of movement and I get bored.. lol.
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    I LOVE deep water aerobics - I add ankle weights & fin gloves to make it an even harder workout. I also love water zumba.

    At home I will do step aerobics or kettlebells.

    What about you, what is your favorite :smile:
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    Elliptical! I love the burn!!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I love walking outside on a sunny day with my dog : )
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I have a newfound love of running, even though I'm really slow...and Zumba...and I love spinning (three forms of exercise? whoa)

    the only new thing I've tried that I didn't really care for was pilates...but will probably try it again now that I'm more fit...maybe.:yawn:
  • GAH JEALOUS. Swimming is one of my favorites but I don't have a pool at home. :( Boyfriend's parents have one though so I think it's time to convince him to go swimming with me on one of his days off.

    Burpees? Really? I'm horrible at them, but that's also because I just started this whole lifestyle change thing. I'm sure they're great once your body is used to them.

    And I definitely had to google plyometrics because I hadn't heard of them before. Sounds interesting enough. But I so feel you about yoga. It's relaxing when it's after a long workout, but solely yoga workouts would get pretty boring.

    Water aerobics! Gah my school offered a class in that but I couldn't fit it into my schedule. :( Maybe next semester. And I've really been wanting to try zumba for awhile. Everyone I know who's done it, loves it.
  • Ooh yes, elliptical is rather fun. :)

    I 'm a huge fan of walking too. :) Though no dog yet. Apartment doesn't allow pets. But someday. :)

    Running? Really? Gah I am SOOOO bad at running. Did it like grow on you over time? And of course you can have two favorites. :] And I've never tried pilates so I have no idea what I'd being getting myself into if I did.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Kickboxing is fun! Love working up a good sweat!
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    According to my HRM I burned 160 calories driving down a mountain for 12 minutes. So I guess my new favorite exercise is this road

  • stylin
    stylin Posts: 54 Member
    Flexing in the mirror to admire how striated my quads are is my personal favorite.
  • AmyLRussell
    AmyLRussell Posts: 16
  • koukla702
    koukla702 Posts: 171
    Love love love Bodypump, Jukari Fit 2 Flex, and SPIN!!!!!
    24hr fitness changed my life!
  • Zumba!! Least fav would be pilates...I get bored easily.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i love the elliptical.....i used to hate it but i love it now....i am going to start zumba soon because i love to dance although im not very good..hehe
  • atpoem2003
    atpoem2003 Posts: 10
    I like Tae' Bo' boxing moves for exercise! Would love to take Martial Arts, but feel I am too overweight. I walk my dog "Snickerdoodle" and walk with my neighbor some mornings...I like water aerobics, but haven't been into that in awhile.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I'm in love with swimming! :D
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Coed Softball and lifting weights!!!! Absolutely love it!
  • antijen
    antijen Posts: 112 Member
    Kickboxing and running. I cannot get enough!
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