Hi! Feeling a little demorralised :(

tikamacphee Posts: 29
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi! This is my first post. I've been on MFP for almost a fortnight now...and i have put on 9lbs argh! Typically before i joined i could easily put away well in excess of 2000cals a day, and now i'm doing the 1200cal goal, to reach my goal weight of 60kg (i'm as of today 70.9) i'm only 5ft 3 so doc reckons i am at least 1, possibly 1.5 stone overweight :(

Do you think there is a reason i've put weight on, its a bit sucky that the first time i weigh myself i haven't lost! Now thats another 9lbs to get rid of. Also with the water drinking, i have been drinking 8 normal glasses a day, but was wondering if its meant to be 8 pints?

Any tips for some nice meals or breakfasts and are frozen fruits okay to have? Excercise wise i walk maybe 2miles 4 days a week and about a mile every other day, but its slow as i have a toddler in tow! I also do the wii fit sometimes (perhaps twice per week)

Thanks guys, here hoping i will have lost something sometime soon!


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Did you weigh yourself at the same time you did last time? My weight fluctuates up to 8 lbs throughout the day.
  • cheekymo48
    cheekymo48 Posts: 11
    I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, you have to get your heart rate up when walking or exercising to lose weight. I know it's been working for me. I was doing 25 min on an elliptical and 20 min on a stationary bike and it was slow going, but just recently I changed to a different type of stationary bike and I am sweating excessively now - so it is working better. I have lost a couple of pounds in just a few days since I started the other bike. I make sure my heart rate is where it should be to adequately lose the weight. Not sure if this helps.
  • cheekymo48
    cheekymo48 Posts: 11
    I read that mornings is the best time to weigh yourself, just after you use the washroom (undressed) -- :)
  • tikamacphee
    tikamacphee Posts: 29
    I did yes, first weighed myself a few days before i started, so a fortnight ago and it was about 7:30am

    I am probably eating more now even though less cals because i never used to have breakfast and sometimes i skipped lunch, i just ate rubbish throughout the day
  • tikamacphee
    tikamacphee Posts: 29
    Hmmm i am not sweating when walking with the little one :( I do when i do the wii fit, i love the jogging, boxing and hula hoop the best and the free step is good because the kids can be watching tv and i can do it
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Just be consistent, and don't get too caught up with the number the scales show. Take some pictures and measurements, you'll be happy later that you did. Make sure you are eating enough protein (mpf level is quite low), eat breakfast lunch and dinner, throw in some healthy snacks, drink at least 8 glasses of water, more if you can, and it will happen! Make sure you weigh yourself at the same time each weigh-in: first thing in the morning is good. Also keep an eye on your sodium levels. Good luck!
  • tikamacphee
    tikamacphee Posts: 29
    Thanks :)
  • sec1ccd
    sec1ccd Posts: 12
    Try walking up hills instead....or get a stroller that is a jogging stroller....
  • sd644
    sd644 Posts: 17 Member
    Ah that is such a pain. But i think it does fluctuated throughout the day....maybe your sacles are having a funny 5 minutes.

    I'm in a similar position this week. Stuck to the 1200 calories religiously but haven't lost any weight :(
    The only thing i can think of is that maybe i'm logging some foods incorrectly and they're highter than i thought.
    Go through your food diary and see if there is anything that might be wrong.
    But also i think we have to just keep going, losing weight is a slow process and maybe next week you'll loose more than you expect. I did weight watchers before and found that things often took a week to catch up with me.
  • warmachinexiiiv
    warmachinexiiiv Posts: 7 Member
    As above weigh yourself once in the morning when your the lightest and don't weigh in again till the next and to speed up your walk why not try to carry the your tot for short distances, unless he or she is to big then go to the park and try small sprints where you can keep your eye on your little one.
    Hope you can maybe get some ideas from that perl of wisdom!!!
    Good luck
  • tikamacphee
    tikamacphee Posts: 29
    Thanks everyone :) will try and take some of these things on board :)
  • pushthelimits
    pushthelimits Posts: 1 Member
    To burn fat, you have to get your heart rate up to your target heart rate and keep it there for at least 20 minutes. You can find what your target heart rate is online-- there are a lot of websites that will calculate it for you if you do a Google search. Your body doesn't start burning fat until after at least 20 minutes of sustained cardio.

    Also, if you're eating too few calories, your body will go into starvation mode and store fat. Make sure you're logging your exercise and eating the extra calories you're given, because MFP calculates how much you should eat based on a deficit they've already taken into consideration.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Do not get discouraged! You are never going to get anywhere if you get discouraged and stop trying.

    To my understanding a "glass" of water is 8 ounces. So you should be drinking at least 64 ounces a day. I have been drinking about 80 ounces a day and I have lost 2.5 pounds in one week!!!! Drinking alot of water helps your body break down fat and also keeps you full between meals.

    I recommend picking a weigh in day. I always weigh on fridays. It is best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you use the restroom and before you eat or drink anything!~! This way you are not weighing your breakfast as well.

    I understand that exercising with a toddler is a difficult thing to do, but you have to find a way!~! Just eating well is not going to do it. If you want to be healthy then you have to do some kind of exercise. Have you heard of 30 day shred? Its only 20 minutes a day and it really really works. If you dont like that one, then try another video workout. Maybe put your child in a stroller and run a little instead of walking with them.

    You will do great. Keep your head up, try to get a routine figured out. This is a process, it is not going to happen over night. You can do this!
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    Well, I don't know if I have much in the way of helpful advice, but I do recommend getting some 'friends' on here. I know, I used to think it was lame too, but having your own cheering section is awesome! It's so motivating and helps to keep me going. And it makes me so proud to acknowledge my own accomplishments to myself as well as to everyone else.

    The only other tidbit I have is "Are you being honest and accurate with logging all your food?" It takes a while to get used to how big certain portions are so weigh or measure everything (at least for the first while) and make sure you log it all. It can feel like a lot of work sometimes but missing a few little things really adds up throughout a day. Some days I'd give anything to "forget" to add the cheese and/or butter!

    Oh wait, I have 2 more things... Do you trust your scale? I had one that changed by 3-4 pounds whenever I got on and off it so I tossed it and got a new one. And, lastly, any chance the increase was pms? That can be a real kick in the butt!

    Good luck sweetie, and friend me if you want. :o)
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    Oh wait, one more thing... Get a stroller! I know toddlers like to be independent and walk on their own so you may have to negotiate that, but you're missing a great opportunity to get a good workout if you're not going fast enough to get your heart rate up a bit.
  • boobear00
    boobear00 Posts: 53 Member
    That might be the cause of your weight gain. If you weren't getting proper nutrition or feeding your body enough, it might be holding on to that extra food you are now feeding it. Give it some time. Once your body realizes that you are going to continue to feed it all the time it should get better. You should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. I've read several places that it should really be 0.5 ounces for every lb you weigh. So if you weigh 175 lbs, you should drink 87 ozs of water. But at the minimum 64 ozs (8-8oz glasses). As far as food, lean meats, 2-3 servings of fruit, try for 5+ servings of veggies and don't forget to throw in some grains and healthy fats.

    How many pounds do you have MFP set for to lose in a week? If you are trying to lose more than a pound a week you might be restricting your calories too much. As for healthy meals, snacks, etc I can send you a list if you'd like but you can use the search function and will find LOTS of posts covering this issue.

    As for the exercise, all physical activity is good. So don't stop walking with your little one just because you aren't sweating. But I agree with cheekymo48 the key to exercise for weight loss is keeping your heart rate within your target zone, preferably for at least 20 mins. Let me know if you need help figuring out what your target heart rate is, I should be able to dig up the website.

    Feel free to friend me if you want. Or PM me if you have more questions. My biggest advice is don't get discouraged. Give your body time to catch up with the changes you are making. Don't pay attention to the scale. Take your measurements and know that no matter what the scale says you are making healthy, positive changes in your life.
  • tikamacphee
    tikamacphee Posts: 29
    When I say toddler...what i really mean is very large 3yr old. We have a stroller, its just getting her into it. I'm going to go a 4mile walk this morning i think, clear my head :)
  • tikamacphee
    tikamacphee Posts: 29
    BooBear - i don't have a clue what I have set to lose a week! I know on the wii fit its 2lb a week.

    I try really hard with the foods its just difficult finding things that i like that aren't really plain! I tend to have weetabix or porridge with water for breakfast, lunch is a wholemeal 1/2 baguette with meat (chicken/ham) with which i have dressing :\ dinner really varies. Snackwise i generally have fruit like watermelon, raisins and grapes and apple. I tend to always have 2 portions of veg with dinner as well, will need to get some more salads in there too i think
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    i know its a horrible feeling when you dont loose but keep at it. you will get there.
    also it might be a bit TMI but i always find if i dont go to the toilet before weigh in then the scales either doent move or stays the same.
    good luck.
  • tikamacphee
    tikamacphee Posts: 29
    I hopefully will :)

    Just been for a brisk 4mile walk, am knackered now though!
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