Addicted to coffee !!



  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    keep drinking the coffee you like but use AGAVE sweetner. It has less of a calorie impact and is better for your blood sugar. You can find it at Health food stores, Walmart, Costco. I use it all the time in my coffee and it tastes great!!!

    agreed! agave tastes great. IMO stevia is bitter and doesn't do the trick
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I just add a bit of milk and occasionally stevia to mine now, but it's been a slowly acquired taste. Move slowly away from the sugary stuff and you'll get there.
  • Olona
    Olona Posts: 70
    My mom is addicted to coffee and had this prob. to she tried splenda its not good in other foods at least to me but i treid it with her in coffee and it tastes just like sugar
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    Have you considered drinking a black tea? They taste fine without milk or sugar. Otherwise I would consider drinking a different blend of coffee. Good light blend coffee should taste fine black.
  • ajjd
    ajjd Posts: 7 Member
    Have you tried green tea instead? I find the artificial sweeteners make me crave carbs afterwards.