And I'm back....

eklugman Posts: 20 Member
Hey I'm Erin and I'm back.. I started on her in December after having a miscarriage, and not wanting to get pregnant again at 210lbs.. so I did awesome tracking my weight and lost about a solid 20 lbs before getting pregnant again.. I gained 5 lbs and was pregnant for 10 weeks before loosing the pregnancy again.. So drs and testings and all that stuff is done. It's been a week, and I'm just about ready to start tracking again.. My original goal was to loose 65 lbs. I am now at 45lbs left, with restarting. I love tracking as it really helps the weight just fall off. There is a good chance I will get pregnant again in 2 months.. or not, so I definitely want to loose another 20 lbs in 2 months and if I still can keep going!!
