Vegan snack and breakfast ideas:)

cupcakecarnivore Posts: 267
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
I need some help with vegan breakfast ideas and snacks. I am slowly transitioning from vegetarian to vegan and and need some ideas for breakfast and snacks to keep me full between meals.


  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I'm a big fan of oatmeal or porridges for breakfast....brown rice porridge, barley, kamut, etc. Add some fruit and maybe a little agave to sweeten it and it's wholesome and delicious!
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    Check out recipes for chia puddings, quinoa puddings......the word pudding is used loosely here as it really is a breakfast dish. I find that a chia pudding can keep me full for hours and you make it the night before so it is so easy in the morning.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I usually have rolled oats w/ soymilk, dried cranberries or raisins, and sometimes cinnamon & maple syrup. It's yummy.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am not vegan or vegetarian, but I make a fair amount of meatless dishes that could be adapted to vegan with some simple product switches.

    Here's one thing you could try that I posted a while back, which I have for lunch, but you could warm it a little and serve it for breakfast too..

    or one of my favorite breakfasts is an everything bagel thin with fat free cream cheese (you could use a vegan sub), fresh raspberries or strawberries with baby spinach or arugula. I usually serve this with some think sliced turkey breast, but it's not necessary....maybe you could try plain hummus instead of the cream cheese as a nice protein substitute...
  • Darlenecary
    Darlenecary Posts: 2 Member
    One thing I LOVE for breakfast is combining dry quick oatmeal with choice of milk (try the almond & soys) in a cereal bowl the night before. Put it in the fridge and just take out and eat the next morning. Yum!

    Dried fruit is good to add, since it is "plumped" by morning. Also good with fresh fruit.

    Whole grains are great to cook on low in slow cooker all night. The next AM you have hot breakfast ready. I like to mix what grains I have, so it never tastes the same. Also good with dried fruit.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I also do a lot of oatmeal which I put fresh berries or banana slices in. Then a small amount of pecans or other nuts, cinnamon, with a teeny drizzle of maple syrup!
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    I'm not a lot of help becasue I live on hummus with cuke slices or carrot chips for snacks (and granola), and vegan protein shakes for b'fast. Check out for scads of better ideas though. :smile:
  • sizehealthy
    sizehealthy Posts: 13 and both offer tons of great vegan recipes!
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member and both offer tons of great vegan recipes!

    Yes that is a great website and I am always proud to say .....Canadian. Another good website is "Making Love in the Kitchen".....also vegan and also Canadian.
  • Thanks everyone:)

    I love ohsheglows! I actually tried one of her mexican recipes last night and loved it! I will definitely check out the other websites.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I make a quinoa dish that everyone loves. It's a terrific healthy breakfast!!

    Red quinoa, agave nectar, walnuts, and yellow raisins.

    You decide how much of each you want. Just mix it all up! Yum!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Porridge with rice milk, grated apple and cinnamon. I love it and it fills me up for hours.
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    I like to have some type of grain/nut butter combination for breakfast - hot cereal with almond butter stirred in or toast w/ pb and j. If you like the soy-based dairy replacements they are good too - soy yogurt w/ fruit, etc.

    My vegan friend used to make these awesome tofu and bean breakfast burritos on little corn tortillas - she'd make some type of tofu crumble stir fry, black beans (she'd "smoke" them but really t hey were just kind of burnt ;) and fresh corn salsa, lime, and guacamole, mix it all up and roll in the tortilla. She'd make a pile of them, freeze all spread out on a baking sheet, and then once frozen throw them in a freezer bag (these way they retain shape and don't get stuck together.) She'd pop one or two in the microwave in the morning for instant breakfast -- they were delicious and keep you going all morning!
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
  • pjgjnfl
    pjgjnfl Posts: 45 Member
    I love love love my daily Vegan shake from the THRIVE book (awesome book for vegan athletes or people who aspire!) by Brendan Brasier.

    So - it's simple. In a vitamix or high speed blender... add:
    1 tbsp flax seed
    12 almonds (raw)

    Spin them around a bit... until they're powdered.

    Then, add
    1 banana
    1-2 tblsp hemp protein
    1 tblsp Cacao or Cocoa Powder
    3 dates
    1 cup of water

    Then - blend it up. And add

    1 cup of ice

    Blend until smooth.

    Great blend and balance of nutrients... fresh fruit... and solid protein. Great way to start the day (works for me!).

    OTHER things I love: Hemp Bread and Peanut Butter... Tofu Scramble... if I'm cheating, Vegan sausage egg and cheese biscuit (amazing... I can link you to my free site if you want... mmmm mmmm good stuff).
  • pjgjnfl
    pjgjnfl Posts: 45 Member
    I love love love my daily Vegan shake from the THRIVE book (awesome book for vegan athletes or people who aspire!) by Brendan Brasier.

    So - it's simple. In a vitamix or high speed blender... add:
    1 tbsp flax seed
    12 almonds (raw)

    Spin them around a bit... until they're powdered.

    Then, add
    1 banana
    1-2 tblsp hemp protein
    1 tblsp Cacao or Cocoa Powder
    3 dates
    1 cup of water

    Then - blend it up. And add

    1 cup of ice

    Blend until smooth.

    Great blend and balance of nutrients... fresh fruit... and solid protein. Great way to start the day (works for me!).

    OTHER things I love: Hemp Bread and Peanut Butter... Tofu Scramble... if I'm cheating, Vegan sausage egg and cheese biscuit (amazing... I can link you to my free site if you want... mmmm mmmm good stuff).
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