Hi, new and looking for friends

mehmig Posts: 55 Member
i have lurked here before, but finally decided I needed to start getting my life back.I used to be a healthy weight, but had 3 kids and got gestational diabetes with each and that messed me up! I gained a lot of weight and now I'm finally ready to fix it. My oldest child has autism, and I have spent most of the last 6 yrs of my life dealing with that. And because of it I haven't taken much time for myself, and it shows. Also because of all the sacrifices we have made to help our son, it has been hard to deny myself those few things I love, like food. But now I'm ready to change that. We have almost recovered our son and I can now recover myself.

I started 30 DS and am on day 8. I'm gluten free and anti artificial foods.

Would love to meet some other people so we can carry each other through.



  • mbuzalski
    mbuzalski Posts: 30 Member
    You can add me!!! I'm on everyday, I'm very positive and I love to encourage others.
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    You can add me also.

    I have been on a fitness/eating roller coaster for a long time and a couple months ago decided it was time to batten down the hatches and really try to succeed. I have really appreciated the MFP site, it really keeps me motivated.
  • Sweetpea472
    Sweetpea472 Posts: 229 Member
    Add me, too! :)
  • lilmzangelic
    You can add me too :)