What are your Goals for This Week?



  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Pass my PT test on thursday!! Wish me luck :)

    GOOD LUCK....!!!!!

  • MissConfidence
    It's Wednesday... How's everyone doing on their goals so far??

    I'm not getting as many miles down as I was hoping for, but so far eating right and counting (minus one day) and drinking that water! Just want to make sure everyone's on track! :)
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    This may sound silly, but... buy a scale! I don't have one. I usually use the one at my doctor's office or something along those lines when I want to weight myself. I know a good bathroom scale is cheap so I'm just going to do it. :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    - not further injure myself
    - oats only for breakfast (I am addicted :P)
    - more veggies
    - do what exercise I can that doesn't hurt
    - hit the beach everyday that it is sunny :)

    Haven't further injured myself (hasn't gotten any better)
    yep, oats for breaky only.
    have had veggies twice a day everyday.
    can do slow elliptical, walking, some upper body isolation movements
    was raining monday and tuesday but I went yesterday :)

    Pretty much on track :)
  • pannacottayum
    pannacottayum Posts: 96 Member
    -start a new resistance routine
    -run 3 miles straight, no walking, twice
    -not eat out (till friday night :) )
    -lose 2 pounds
    -can't get myself to do it
    -one down one to go
    -haven't eaten out
    -lost 0.5 yesterday will weigh again tomorrow
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    -start a new resistance routine
    -can't get myself to do it


    What are you currently doing? What are you planning on changing to?
  • pannacottayum
    pannacottayum Posts: 96 Member
    -start a new resistance routine
    -can't get myself to do it


    What are you currently doing? What are you planning on changing to?

    I've been doing kinda the standard 3 days a week chest/arms, back/shoulders, legs, all mostly on machines. I'm so bored with it. I wanna change up to a more dynamic routine like 5 rounds of 5 exercises for a minute each with a minute between rounds. incorporating stuff like box jumps, trx, squat/lunge variations, etc.

    I think it's mostly a matter of breaking through my comfort zone at the gym. Plus with the weather right now, i'm really into being outside (not in the gym), and doing more cardio oriented stuff.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    My goal for this week is to simply get back on track.

    1. Start counting and controlling my calories again
    2. At least a little exercise every day. (Going to be trying P90)
    3. No binges!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Get at least some exercise daily
    drink 4 glasses of water each day (up from 2)
    go to bed by 1:00 each night
    get in the habit of tracking everything (this is day 2 for me)
    Other than going to bed, I'm doing good! One day I only drank 3 glasses of water, but most days I am going over, now!

    PS - does the amount of sleep we get *really* affect our weight??
  • aaaaaamyyyyyyy
    Just staying within my count most days would be a bit enough achievement for me!
  • morphine_attack
    morphine_attack Posts: 6 Member
    kick start the weight loss again and lose weight after 4 weeks of not much happening