Unrealistic Goals.... HELP!

I was talking with my friend who is also on MFP earlier in the week and realized I had been setting up unrealistic expectations on my weight loss (from watching WAY to much biggest loser).

I was wondering if anyone else is in the same boat. I have lost almost 18lbs since Jan 1 2011. I know that is really good (March was a horrible month), and I work a lot and don't have time to work out. I wanted to be 20-30lbs by the end of May (because my birthday is on the 29th, and I wanted to look extra hot this year). I was 210 when I started and I am 192 now. I will be happy in the 170's but would LOVE to be in the 150's.

Anyone have any tips. I don't want to give up (I don't see results, others do). I don't know how to post pictures on the discussion board, but if you can see my profile I have some up.

My problem areas are my arms and thighs. Like I said I don't always have time to work out... I am a supply teacher, and for the past 3 weeks have worked everyday all day, and then I tutor 2-4 hours a night. So most days are 16 hour days.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! (my diary is public, yesterday was a BAD day, its a long weekend in Canada, and I needed the beer!!! :)):wink:


  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    Don't give up :) I don't have any great advice, but stick with eating healthy. And don't worry, its a bad weekend for everyone in Canada.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    First off, DON'T GIVE UP!

    Second, you have to remember that none of us put this weight on in a month or even 6 months. It's likely been a slow process - getting it back off is a slow process too. Don't get impatient with your body. Eat healthy. TRY and work out (even if it is just walking 30 mins a day or taking the steps vs the elevator -- every little bit helps).

    You can do this!
  • TrimmingTracie
    I don't know how well this works yet, but I just bought some GG Crackers that Dr Oz says helps with dieting. On the package it says curves appetite. So I went down to Whole Foods and got 2 packs after reading their online reviews. I turn into a gremlin at night starting about 9pm. But I like to stay up til 1 or 2am because my BFgets in from work about 11-12. So I like to sit with him while he unwinds. But alot of times I have to cook a hotplate for him...So like right now, I ate a serving. His brother is here and cooking something that smells so good and I want to beg for some. But the cracker with some fruit preserves hit the spot, I am going to follow up with more water which is recomended.

    But my point is don't give up. Keep at it. Don't get comfy lossing until you reach your goals. Your birthday is around the corner but you have the summer to knock it down! :drinker:
  • Nessarose1022
    Nessarose1022 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm just as frustrated as you are by how slow I am losing weight, but we ARE losing! And we are surrounded by awesome people on this site and we have each other in person if needed! I sense some summertime workouts in our future!

    You'll get there hun! And I'll be right beside ya making sure you do!
  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
    My BDAY is MAY 29th too :) sorry i know that has nothing to do with anything but I found a lot of people on here share my birthday
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Maybe set mini-goals that are more achievable. Like in two weeks, I will lose two pounds, or in two weeks, I will have exercised for a total of X minutes, or done X amount of sit-ups. Maybe that will seem more achievable that "I want to lose 30 pounds" for example?
  • munozrd
    munozrd Posts: 62 Member
    Don't give up. I like to set up small goals for myself. My first, get out of the 200's. You got there. Way to go! The little victories make it so much better to go through the rest. Post and keep up with people like us on here how are doing the same things and give support.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I got stuck at 197 for the longest time, since then I have managed to get down to 193. The weight has really slowed down since I came under 200 lbs. But the way I see it, I am still losing, Im eating healthier and working out consistently, these are things I have never done before and know that this is all good for me and that I am a much healthier person for sticking to my plan :D Nothing will make me go back to where I was! I don't ever want to weigh 258!
    I work pretty long days too, 10 hr shifts and still manage to get myself in the gym for an hour, not ever day, just 4 times a week :D I never regret working out, it always feels so good when I am done, to know that I go at it so tired after a long day, yet still managed to get it done *whew*
    Good luck to you
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i dont think the goal is unrealistic..perhaps the expectations are unrealistic. it takes time and hard work to lose weight. what you have to do is keep at it and keep positive and you can acheive what you want. i dont believe for one minute anything is unacheivable.
  • darrielirwin
    Thanks everyone! I am glad I am not the only one! I am not going to give up until I feel comfortable in my own skin again. I actually set my boyfriend up on here yesterday, so with him doing the same thing as me I think it might be a bit easier (even though he can eat 500 more calories then me a day!!!)....