Just Starting

Hey guys! Just wanted to say hi. Im new to this. Ive been a weight watchers gal for a long time. I fell off of the wagon. Now im going to try it with counting calories. So far so good. Im on day number two and down 3 lbs. Not sure it its water weight or what. But its still weight! I need to loose about 20 pounds. Im going to do it this time.

Have a great night everyone.

Nice to meet you all!!


  • RRGHudson
    RRGHudson Posts: 9
    I'm a weight watchers gal too, lost 18 pounds, fell off the wagon myself, and have gained 5 back .... so far. I'm gonna try this too, just joined myself today. Great to meet you! .... Becky
  • phgk
    phgk Posts: 29
    Welcome! I have done WW a bunch of times, but find counting calories much easier. I would forget my ww slider and try to guesstimate points and then would give up. So here I am, really trying to change the way I eat and lose those extra pounds to feel better!
  • jmassardo
    jmassardo Posts: 84
    Welcome and Good Luck!