To complicated for success



  • humglum
    humglum Posts: 98 Member
    This is the sort of post that belongs on a blog and not a message board. It doesn't encourage any type of sharing of information or foster any interesting dialogue between people of differing opinions.

    Everything doesn't work for everyone.
  • mehmig
    mehmig Posts: 55 Member
    I'm not going to agree or disagree with you. But please stop using the word retarded. I have a child with special needs and it is extremely offensive. You can find a better word. Or just say it isn't a smart choice.

  • cpratt55
    cpratt55 Posts: 17 Member
    I find many of the things you've said very insulting. My doctor is actually the one who told me to use this site......and yes, to put the app on my phone. Because people have noticed the results of weight loss in me, they have signed up on this site also. We are all doing great. There are other sites you can get information from online, so I would suggest maybe using one of those instead of putting negative comments on this site. We are all learning on MFP and to be quite honest, it does the job for the majority of us. And I do agree with one needs to use the word "retarded". I work with special education students....they are not "retarded.....they have special needs, just like most of us do with our eating and dieting, which is why we are on this site. I appreciate all comments and help, but there is no need for negativity on this site......we are here to encourage and help each other, not belittle.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Overweight people need to learn to eat sensibly and eat more importantly eat healthy foods. Keep it simple.

    Which is essentially true, but how do you think that people get to that stage? Were any of us born knowing how to read and write? No, we needed to be taught these things, just the same as some people need to be taught/shown the way to a healthier lifestyle. Believe it or not, some people genuinely don't know what their food contains, nor what a healthy portion size is, so the tools here and the opinions and experiences of MFP members are invaluable.

    I can see that your intentions may be good but you do sound as though you are belittling people who don't think the same way as you. If what you're doing works for you, then that's absolutely brilliant but it doesn't mean that because other people do things differently that their way is wrong. I actually think it can be very damaging to be told you're doing something wrong - would you really want to be responsible for someone just throwing in the towel because your words made them feel inadequate? For some people, just being here is a huge step.

    The reasons we are all here are legion but we have a common goal - to be healthier. Let's not lose sight of that, and more importantly, let's not start preaching at each other. That way madness lies.

    I see alot of whining people seeking pity from others on their weight loss adventure. There are actually people that have physical conditions that prevents them from losing weight but that isn't the majority of folks here freaking crying because they couldn't say no to a piece of chocolate cake or a half rack of bbq ribs. Sorry but i served many years in the miitary where excuses and the word CAN'T were not acceptable.I'm greatful for that direction in life it gave me. The successful require no praise from others in knowing they did a good job. The bottom line is the only limits in life are the ones we set or allow others to set for us. As to exercise. There is no BAD exercise and the more the merrier be it through sport or work it all counts towards fitness. Weight loss is not a science although many members here like to think it is. Diets and diet plans are a disease in modern day culture and not the cure. I've never in my nearly 50 years of living heard anybody say eat your exercise calories back. Why? Because i would bet less then 10% of humanity even counts their caloric intake. Those that are physically active don't thats for sure.

    Not sure how any of what you just said has anything to do with my post, other than to give you another opportunity to tell people how wrong they are for not living like you do! :bigsmile:
    Sorry but i served many years in the miitary where excuses and the word CAN'T were not acceptable.I'm greatful for that direction in life it gave me.

    Forgive me for saying so but if your military experience instilled that much discipline, how come you became overweight? :wink:
    It's OK, that was a rhetorical question, you don't need to answer it!

    FWIW, what works for me is similar to what works for you; sensible eating, eating what is now termed 'cleanly' although actually, I've done that all my life (just a bit too much of it at times!), and a determination that no excuse is acceptable. BUT....just because that works for me, it doesn't mean it is going to work for everyone, nor does it give me the right to tell other people how to live their lives (no matter how well-intentioned I may think it is), or that they are whining because they don't have the kind of willpower that I do. Nor does it give me the right to say that people don't need praise and encouragement. Having been a special needs teacher for 15 years, I can vouch for the positive effects of praise; adults are no different to children in their need to have their achievements recognised (what is promotion after all, if not a way of rewarding someone's hard work and encouraging them to do even better?).

    When all is said and done, how other people go about their journey to a healthier life really is no concern of yours, or mine, or anyone else's. Therefore, if what others do doesn't affect your life in any way, why bother pontificating about it?!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Okay, so, a few things.

    As someone who is attempting to re-learn appropriate eating behaviors and habits, I find that myfitnesspal has been invaluable in letting me see exactly what it is I'm eating, how much of it I'm eating, and how to do better with it. Though I have not yet lost weight, I am learning how to better regulate myself and put together healthier meals.

    Coming on a site specifically intended to have a supportive and understanding community, for people to track their calories and exercise with the intention of improving themselves, and ranting about how those people annoy you and aren't good enough and are making things overcomplicated, is ridiculous and rude. If you don't want to see people's posts in the forums, the solution is simple: don't read the forums. Coming onto the message boards is entirely voluntary on your part, so whining about how you "had" to read all of these posts from people talking about what to do and what not to do is invalid. No one pointed a gun at your head and forced you to read the posts, or even to look at them.

    People come here for advice. And while it's wonderful that you can eat 2-3 eggs, bacon, whatever for breakfast and not gain any weight whatsoever, or can have "a dozen eggs" and not gain an ounce, your experience is not everyone's experience. Everyone's body works differently, and I know--for me at least--I value other peoples' opinions on the matter of food and health and how to balance oneself. I am a novice in such things. I read, I process, I choose what I think will work for me.

    I find this post to be judgemental, accusatory, and entirely unsupportive. Perhaps the next time you choose to post on a message board meant to be accepting and open-minded, you should settle on your words more carefully.

    Hear, hear.... very well said.....!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Okay, so, a few things.

    As someone who is attempting to re-learn appropriate eating behaviors and habits, I find that myfitnesspal has been invaluable in letting me see exactly what it is I'm eating, how much of it I'm eating, and how to do better with it. Though I have not yet lost weight, I am learning how to better regulate myself and put together healthier meals.

    Coming on a site specifically intended to have a supportive and understanding community, for people to track their calories and exercise with the intention of improving themselves, and ranting about how those people annoy you and aren't good enough and are making things overcomplicated, is ridiculous and rude. If you don't want to see people's posts in the forums, the solution is simple: don't read the forums. Coming onto the message boards is entirely voluntary on your part, so whining about how you "had" to read all of these posts from people talking about what to do and what not to do is invalid. No one pointed a gun at your head and forced you to read the posts, or even to look at them.

    People come here for advice. And while it's wonderful that you can eat 2-3 eggs, bacon, whatever for breakfast and not gain any weight whatsoever, or can have "a dozen eggs" and not gain an ounce, your experience is not everyone's experience. Everyone's body works differently, and I know--for me at least--I value other peoples' opinions on the matter of food and health and how to balance oneself. I am a novice in such things. I read, I process, I choose what I think will work for me.

    I find this post to be judgemental, accusatory, and entirely unsupportive. Perhaps the next time you choose to post on a message board meant to be accepting and open-minded, you should settle on your words more carefully.

    Hear, hear.... very well said.....!
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Forgive me for saying so but if your military experience instilled that much discipline, how come you became overweight? :wink:

    Hahahaha, very good point! Curious to see if he 'makes excuses' for himself...
    When all is said and done, how other people go about their journey to a healthier life really is no concern of yours, or mine, or anyone else's. Therefore, if what others do doesn't affect your life in any way, why bother pontificating about it?!

    The fact that you used the word 'pontificate' is awesome enough, but I think right here, you've not only hit the nail on the head for this particular fellow, but basically any political, religious or social extremist :P
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Forgive me for saying so but if your military experience instilled that much discipline, how come you became overweight? :wink:

    Hahahaha, very good point! Curious to see if he 'makes excuses' for himself...
    When all is said and done, how other people go about their journey to a healthier life really is no concern of yours, or mine, or anyone else's. Therefore, if what others do doesn't affect your life in any way, why bother pontificating about it?!

    The fact that you used the word 'pontificate' is awesome enough,

    Heheh, me likey big wurdz - meks me feel clevah innit!


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    but I think right here, you've not only hit the nail on the head for this particular fellow, but basically any political, religious or social extremist :P

    I believe that just as we all had our own way of getting to where we are now, we all have our own way of dealing with our 'issues' (and I don't necessarily mean because we've become less than super-healthy that we must have issues!). What's right for me isn't necessarily going to be right for you, and vice versa. And that's one of the utterly beautiful things about human beings....that we are all different, and that those differences make us interesting, wonderful, people. We all have something to learn and we all have something to teach - we just need to not be didactic about it, and to understand that bullish attitudes just don't help anyone....especially the person being bullish!

    **Goes off to polish halo!