Will we ever be happy with how we look?

Hi everyone,

Since January I have lost 13lb on slimming world and last 4 weeks another 3lb on MFP. I am now 1lb away from my original target of 9 and half stone and have decided to extend it to 9 stone 3 and started running (though I'm pretty rubbish!)

I am now a uk size 10 which is great and everyone says wow you've lost weight, you look great etc. However, although I do feel better I want to know if I'll ever be happy with how I look even when or if I lose the extra 5lb.

I know its a very personal thing and i must stress I'm not upset with how I look or think I'm ugly (lol!) but for those who have lost loads and are at target are you happy?

Thank you xx


  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    I'm in a similar position. I'm about 6 lbs away from my original target goal weight. My friends tell me that if I lose any more weight I'll look like a stick! I know I look far from a stick and would never want to be without my curves...so I'm thinking another 10 lbs wouldn't hurt so I have changed my new goal weight to 135ish. I believe it's all about how you perceive yourself not others...
  • lynnmarsh52
    lynnmarsh52 Posts: 116 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!! I started off at 13st 3lbs and a size UK 16 and XL. My first goal was to be comfortably into a size UK 14, then I sort of 'breezed' through that and was into a size UK 12. Thought I would be happy, but NO! New goal was 11st, hit that, then new goal was 10st, hit that, then new goal 9st 7lbs. I am only 5lbs away from that, a size UK 10 and S, but I know that I'm already going to have to set a new goal of 9st once I lose that last 5lbs!! I'm just about to start the 'Insanity' programme to give me a major tone up, and I'm hoping that this will then satisfy me. I hope so, or I am going to end being a size 0 soon!!!

    I think if you have been overweight and a larger size for a long time like I have, your brain automatically still sees you at that size, hence never being satisfied with the way you look! Perhaps if we put up the 'before and after' pictures on the wall, it may just sink in how far we've come!

    Well done on losing the pounds!! Have a good day :o)
  • girlw00nder
    girlw00nder Posts: 15
    Thanks ladies, glad I'm not alone.

    I definitely think it's how you perceive yourself and no one can tell you how you feel, I suppose.

    I can understand how people can become obsessive over excersise and weight loss and I think there needs to be a balance between it being part of a healthy lifestyle and that's where I'm at now.

    Well done to you both! Hopefully we'll get there in the end ha ha!!
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I can't post experience as am not at goal, but wanted to say what an interesting post. I commented the other day to a friend, who commented on how i'd lost 'loads' of weight, that I don't 'feel' any different and wondered when I would.
  • coolkat17
    coolkat17 Posts: 23 Member
    i am sure i will look a lot better fully clothed when i have lost my weight but i am also sure when i loose 3 stone my body is going to have stretch marks, skin flaps, and empty boobs. So its not going to be ideal but i know i will be more confidant overall.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think often it's a sign of our misconceptions about our bodies before. How many people say they could never be within their healthy BMI or they'd look gaunt? Or that they have big frames? I think there is always going to be a desire to look better than you do, but at some point that stops being about weight and starts being about the things you can't change. I do think it is a good thing to keep reassessing once you get to your goal. After all, it's only an arbitrary number you chose when you were heavier.
  • teeveesee
    teeveesee Posts: 18 Member
    This is exactly what I've been thinking. I was 12st7lb, size 14 then got down to 11st 7lb and now 10st7lb and still feel like an overweight hideous mess. 10st 7lb was my ultimate goal and now I'm there and I'm not happy. In fact I feel really sad every day and have started to get angry about it because I can't seem to lose any more. Then I have started having binges, though I can't eat too much because my stomach can't handle it after having so little food for so long. Have you got any advice for me?
  • Ariyasnow1
    Ariyasnow1 Posts: 117
    My thoughts are this: It is not just about losing weight; it’s also about –changing- & -shaping- your body. Even if you reach your 'goal weight', you may still need to work on toning your muscle to get where you want. I reached a weight range I'm very happy with, but I'm not happy with the way I 'look' (in a bikini, no clothes, ect). I decided to 1) focus on foods to help me build lean muscle and continue to burn fat, 2) focus more on exercises that target the areas I want to better tone, and 3) amp up the weight amount in my kettle bell & dumbbell when I go to do my aerobic exercises.

    It’s now about maintaining, toning, and keep living a healthy & active lifestyle! :) I think you should be proud of what you accomplish and now ask yourself, ‘what is my new goal? Do I want flat muscular abs? A tighter butt? Slender thighs? More strength in my arms?'

    Keep doing what your doing and continue to replace fat with lean muscle.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    40 lbs down and i think i look damn good. I can't remember when i could wear a 32-34 waste jeans. Probably mid to late 80's. With that being said i do still have some belly fat and it Must go not because it has to but because i want it gone. I'm at my ideal weight already for my height and frame. I still going to lose 15 more lbs.