do you dress up to exercise?



  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i think you should dress how you want, and if you dress to impress, then that's great. if wearing make-up and jewelery makes you feel good, then go for it. HOWEVER!!! when i was around 300lbs and joined a gym, there would be half naked girls next to me with their hair down, make-up on, the works. when it comes to a work out or gym setting, us "fat people" sometimes feel very out of place and uncomfortable. i tried joining planet fitness because it was supposed to be "judgement free" but i would still feel like i was inconveniencing the men behind me because i was blocking their view of the girl who's not wearing a shirt. i work out at home now, and i don't think i would ever go back to a gym even if i was skinny, unless they have a dress code of t-shirts and shorts that are long enough that cover your butt cheeks. if i wanted to be in that kind of environment, i would just go to a club.

    not to offend anyone, you do what you want and what makes you happy...i'm just sharing my personal opinion :)
  • b0ink83
    b0ink83 Posts: 10
    Haahaa!!! It is like a fashion thingy for mega gyms.. women dont wear much! Of cos there's also the head to toe matching brands or colors.. it always make me ponder what undies they wearing.. >_<
  • ohohraptor
    ohohraptor Posts: 205 Member
    I found ever since I bought myself cute and flattering workout clothes, I am more inclined to workout in them. :)

    Me too! I also feel more comfortable and confident when I'm wearing my cute stuff.
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    I have a bazillion old t-shirts, that I would wear when I started working out. I started buying more 'functional' clothing to wear when I run. I never realized how miserable it is to wear heavy, soaked cotton T-shirt running for 2 hours after wearing drifit material.

    Now, I find myself buying matchy things and I am FAR from a girly-girl...I have no idea what is happening to me!!!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    The only clothing I really care about for working out and running are great trainers and a great sports bra.

    The rest doesn't matter as long as it's comfortable and suitable for what I'm doing. That used to mean shorts and a t-shirt, but now I'm running I wear a sleeveless top for that. I'm not there to look good, I'm there to work hard and sweat, makeup would just smear everywhere.

    Whatever my clothing, I'll never look good anyway, because I know I pull really stupid faces as I strain to get those last few reps out. :bigsmile:
  • Ellebeegirl
    Ellebeegirl Posts: 34 Member
    I don't dress up. Sweats or capris and Old Navy t-shirts. I do, however, wear lipstick.

    I look like a fool most of the time (sometimes I just fall over), I sweat like crazy and my face turns red during cardio. answer, lipstick. Makes me feel like a woman when I'm not actually looking my best.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    My workouts consist of running or walking with a double stroller with 2 toddler in it....they don't care what I'm wearing. I either wear yoga pants (or even jeans if we are just walking) and a tshirt, and during the summer capris or shorts and a tank top. Honestly what I wear to "work out" is what I wear most day anyway. I"m a jeans and tshirt girl.
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    sorta, i wear the usual black workout pants and a baggy t shirt, however, i do find myself wondering "which pair of shoes should I wear w/this outfit?" Since working out and walking regularly I'm up to 3 pairs of nike's (black & turquoise, black & hot pink, white and silver) and have my eyes on a 4th pair which are black and electric purple. though i don't think much about my clothes, i do want my shoes to match. So weird.
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    i always wear yoga pants and a tank top of some sort. i also wear a sweatband on my head. i dont care if it looks like i am stuck in the 80s still, it keeps some of the sweat from pouring into my eyes, although it still

    The 80's are back baby, work it!!
  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
    capri workout pants, yoga pants, lightweight t-shirts, tank tops. Dark colors on bottom (hides crotch sweat better) and bright colors on top.

    Most important for me is a proper sports bra.

    I don't wear makeup, at all, since it sweats off. I'm not there to find a date, I'm there to grunt, moan, sweat, and generally do unattractive things to myself.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I always wear knee-length leggings and a cute tshirt :) simple but i feel cute and not like i'm drowning in clothes!
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    At the gym, I wear gym shorts, yoga pants, t-shirts with the necks cut out, a great sports bra, good sneaks... I have a few workout "outfits" like from Athleta / Under Armour, and I save those for yoga classes, tennis, golf...

    The gym at my uni. has a dress code of "athletic pants and a crewneck t-shirt that has not been altered in any way." So, for those of you who are uncomfortable in gyms, there are some out there with conservative dress codes.
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    Because I'm extra girly ;)

    I love to look good all the time, so yeah I do dress up in a way..cute black yoga pants with of course something pink, lime green hot pink bright pink lol.... is a great web to get super cute clothes!

    Lululemon is awesome. They have the best workout shirts.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I work out at home, so I guess it doesn't apply. The dog and cats don't care what I'm wearing. When work out at home I wear bicycle shorts that are now huge on me and I'm constantly having to pull them up and a sports bra.

    A friend and I were thinking of joining a gym when we can afford it. I don't know what i'd wear. Leggings and a babydoll tee? Certainly don't want to spend a bunch on a wardrobe that I'm going to sweat in and won't fit for long.

    Edited to add: then again, my little tees are really cute and I don't want to ruin them.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I found ever since I bought myself cute and flattering workout clothes, I am more inclined to workout in them. :)


    I love wearing nice kit when I'm at the gym or exercise class. Make's you feel so much better than saggy old grey tracksuit bums!

    Always wear waterproof mascara too :)
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I always dress up as cycling 21 miles each way to work ain't fun in a suit!
  • DESIREE1210
    DESIREE1210 Posts: 177 Member
    When i went to curves I wore a big tee shirt and sweat pants.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    YES! I started my journey getting stuff from Target etc, but since losing the weight and becoming an instructor I always feel like I have to look "the part". Even before it became my job though, I always felt better wearing cute flattering workout clothes. Lululemon and Lucy are my favorites, and if you become certified in any group exercise format you get discounts on all their clothes! :-)
  • libstr
    libstr Posts: 36 Member
    I go to a mixed gym, being male and females. I wear 3/4 length cotton type pants or wicking types as i hate the sweaty look around the nether regions lol. most of us dress nicely but not like fashion plates. i notice that new members cover themselves up and as they tone up they start to feel better about showing their figures and buy new gym gear that fits better.

    comfort is the most important issue i find that most of the larger chain stores have great tops and bottoms for a fraction of the price of pricey sports stores.

    dont wear make up, you end up with panda eyes!!! :noway:
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    i bought 3 pairs of cheap capri workout pants to start from target, then once those wore out and got too big, i bought the nice nike dry fit from the sporting goods store. i spend $150 on 4 new gym outfits and spending that money definitely motivates me to keep on going. now that it's summer i MUCH prefer shorts though, and i need to go shopping for a few more pairs.