Hi Newbie (UK)

VonnieF Posts: 3 Member
Hiya this is my third day and I'm feeling focussed and in "The Zone"! Hardest thing for me is drinking so much water! Unfortunately I don't get lots of time for exercise but will try and fit it in when I can.



  • joamarelo
    joamarelo Posts: 161
    hey! welcome! keep motivated! ;)
  • VickyT1978
    VickyT1978 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Von,

    I too am a relative newbie from the UK. I started on 6 May and am lovin it. I've used similar sites in the past such as Tesco and Weight Watchers and this is so much easier. I used my iPad at home and my android phone when I'm out and about so it's easy to update as I go. Personally I don't add food as I eat it, I generally use the site to plan in advance what I am going to eat as I know that when I don't plan, that is when I tend to pick up rubbish to eat so now I have no excuse to eat rubbish.

    Good luck and enjoy.

  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member