I dont understand!

littlelol Posts: 539
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Hiya everyone, well Ive been on my holiday for 6days and out of them 6 days i have gone over my calories 3times, the rest of the week i habe been good and exercised and Ive still gained 5lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really feel deflated!! :(


  • adfranks
    adfranks Posts: 161 Member
    well, that happens sometimes. Did you eat a lot of salty foods? Did you drink... you should drink lots of water and get back to eating how you had been. That should show some difference next week... and remember not to let one tiny setback upset your goals. This has happened to so many of us... don't get upset... just keep on trekking!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Have you been drinking water? It could be water weight. I don't think a person your size could gain 5lbs in 6 days.
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    I'd say this is probably a combo-frustration. I had the same problem when I went away for a few days. The extra salt(cause I wan't cooking myself) and the alcohol I consumed caused me to retain a ton of water...not to mention the extra cals do count and it's harder to be precise away from home. Don't be too discouraged. It'll balance out quickly when you get back to your normal routine!
  • It honestly could be water weight. Your eating things you probably wouldn't eat that tend to be higher in sodium especially if you've only gained 5 lbs. I ate chinese one day and the next I gained 5 lbs, well everyone knows that chinese food has a lot of sodium so I didn't sweat it. So my advice to you is enjoy your holiday and when your done get back on track and drink lots of water.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Hiya everyone, well Ive been on my holiday for 6days and out of them 6 days i have gone over my calories 3times, the rest of the week i habe been good and exercised and Ive still gained 5lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really feel deflated!! :(

    I gained all last week. Put 4.4 lbs back on. I was getting discouraged too because I was always under my calorie goal and doing an hour of cardio everyday. Now I'm losing again!! You just have to stay focused. You are liable to drop those 5 lbs faster than you put them on.
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    i only drank a few glasses of sangria and the rest of the time i drank lots of water. Dont understand at all :(

    I exercised aswell and did lots of walking x

    However the three days i did go over in cals i went over around 2000 cals one day!

    the same the next and 200 the other x
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    i only drank a few glasses of sangria and the rest of the time i drank lots of water. Dont understand at all :(

    I exercised aswell and did lots of walking x

    However the three days i did go over in cals i went over around 2000 cals one day!

    the same the next and 200 the other x
  • ocsurfmama
    ocsurfmama Posts: 127
    That happened to me once when I went away and I really think it was all the extra sodium from Restaurant prepared meals. I could feel the sodium bloat. Within days after of drinking a lot of extra water I the extra weight was gone. I knew I had kept my calorie intake in my allotted range and though I couldn't go to the gym, I did a ton of walking while away. Just follow your regular calorie intake, add a ton more water and stay off the scale for a few days. You should see those extra numbers on the scale go down again. :)
  • ocsurfmama
    ocsurfmama Posts: 127
    That happened to me once when I went away and I really think it was all the extra sodium from Restaurant prepared meals. I could feel the sodium bloat. Within days after of drinking a lot of extra water I the extra weight was gone. I knew I had kept my calorie intake in my allotted range and though I couldn't go to the gym, I did a ton of walking while away. Just follow your regular calorie intake, add a ton more water and stay off the scale for a few days. You should see those extra numbers on the scale go down again. :)
  • carl190lbs
    carl190lbs Posts: 7
    Whats done is done all you have to do for the next 2 weeks is reduce your calorie intake daily by 400 calories and keep your total net carbs intake no higher than 60 a day you will fall back into your weight loss path.good luck!
  • gusto80
    gusto80 Posts: 28
    I know that it gets frustrating, but don't let this get you down. You should probably start reevaluating your daily intake (on the days that you are keeping under your cals). A lot of people feel that if they eat less than 1000 cals per day it will speed up weight loss. This is true, but once you begin to eat more calories, your body holds onto those calories and stores them because it has been "starved" the days before. If you want to prevent weight gain if you go off your cals for a day or so, make sure that you are actually eating the suggested calories on your weight loss plan. I hope this helps!! Good luck to you!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    On vacation, almost everything you eat will be from a restaurant, which means dramatically high levels of sodium. You may also have eaten more carbs than you normally would. Both the extra carbs and the extra sodium will force you to retain water.

    Give yourself a few days of normal eating and lots of water and I'll bet at least 4 of those 6 pounds will disappear. ;)
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    I noticed the same exact thing when I weighed in today. 2.5 pounds more than last week. Same as you --- I didn't have my best week, but it wasn't terrible. I did have a beer and cheese breadsticks last night though. Hopefully next week will be more encouraging.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Unless you're cooking yourself, you might have been underestimating calories. Restaurants add a lot of fat which adds up to calories really quickly. But, like others have said, what's done is done. Focus on the future. Hope you are enjoying your vacation!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    In order to gain 5 actual pounds of fat, you'd need to go over your maintenance calories by 17,500 calories.

    When you said you went over "your calories" did you mean your MFP goal calories? Because, if so, they have a deficit built in, and you can go over by that deficit and not GAIN weight (you won't lose either).

    Honestly, the math does not support you having gained 5 pounds of fat. It's normal to vary your weight, and that variance can be several pounds. This is due to water retention, as well as waste and food still in the body. When I eat a lot of carbs, I bloat up. It disappears within a couple of days.

    I would not be concerned. It was your holiday and hopefully, you enjoyed yourself!
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    Aw don't get too down hearted and put a whole black cloud over your holiday :frown: Sometimes it's good to take a little break from your diet. Once you get back on it I'm sure it'll all be fine :flowerforyou:
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