Looking for Turbofire buddies

swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I just started doing it a week or so ago and wondered if any one else was doing it?
I am at the end of my weight loss journey and lose at a snails pace (if at all) so not expecting to lose lots of pounds, but hoping to lose inches and tone up in time for my holidays at the end of June.

Feel free to add me as a friend and/or share your thoughts and feelings on Turbofire :)


  • mlecin
    mlecin Posts: 16
    Hi, Swaymyway,

    There are several people here doing Turbofire! I started on May 9th, with the prep schedule of workouts. I love it!

    I was interested to see that I'm starting off about where you were 3 years ago! I'm 50, though.
  • Jesslynn77
    Jesslynn77 Posts: 5
    I started on may 11th and I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it!!!!!!!!!! :) I am not following the schedule per say. the first week I did the inferno and only lost 1lb but could really feel a difference in my clothes and lost 1.5 inches off my waist! then the last 2 weeks I have just been alternating HIIT and Fire workouts 6 days a week but monday I will start the week one schedule. I have lost 6lbs in 3 weeks with using the turbofire workouts and feel amazing!!!! I currently weigh 165 and want to get to 130 eventually so I have a ways to go......................
  • brittlynn3888
    brittlynn3888 Posts: 8 Member
    I started Turbofire May 23rd, so my week 1 is almost complete! I'm feeling a lot of changes in my body strength wise. Today class was mostly in my back!!!! I WAS SO EXCITED! I've got a lot fat to lose back there! I haven't been logging my cals burned because I don't know how to track them :( How are y'all tracking your calories burned?! I'm new to this and was wondering what you recommended monitor wise?
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    I have a heart rate monitor so log every thing based on what that says, I too didn't really know how to log it before I started using my HRM. 'Aerobics' seems to be the closest default option in the database.

    As for a HRM mine is a polar F7 (I think, I have had it a long time!) and my tip would be to look for one on eBay - it's amazing how many people buy them, use them a few times or not at all and then sell them, you can pick up 'as new' ones at a fraction of the price!

    Back to Turbofire, I completed week 2 yesterday, I have not lost any weight but feel fitter and have not taken updated measurements yet, I am going to wait until the end of week 4 :)
  • M12e31g
    M12e31g Posts: 38
    I just started the actual schedule of Turbo Fire on the 27th after 2 weeks of prep. I was getting bored with the prep, I didn't feel like I was getting much out of the endless days of stretching. One day of HIIT and I saw what Turbo Fire was all about. Boy am I glad today is rest day!

    Oh and I ordered a heart rate monitor. I can't wait for it to get here. I feel like the calorie burned estimates are off on here, I want to see what I'm actually burning.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm waiting for my program to arrive in the mail and I'm going to do the hybrid workouts with Charlean Extreme.
  • i just sstarted week two !!! i love it so far .. you can add me on it if you would like !!
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