
ehinton2 Posts: 2
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself


  • mattbryan
    mattbryan Posts: 147

    Focus on your goals

    Ignore any negative feedback you get from them
  • nurse_carolyn
    nurse_carolyn Posts: 348
    I find that by logging in and filling out my food and exercise diary everyday it helps to keep me focused.
  • love2bthin
    love2bthin Posts: 176 Member
    take one day at a time! I know how you feel. It is hard to put your self first but we have too. You can do it:wink:
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    I let my bf do what he want's to do whilst I do my own thing. He wants takeaway, he can have it, I'll just cook for me. If I make a healthy meal and he covers it in cheese, his choice! That way he gets what he wants and I don't feel like i've given in.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Remember who you are journeying for. Be realistic in your goals, it makes things much easier to start and you will be encouraged to keep progressing. Make some friends, they can be incredible motivators. I'm sure there are other things, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

    Oh yeah, one more thing, SPACEBAR!!! smiley-scared009.gif That was pretty tough reading at this time of day.
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