
New to this site and very happy with how easy things are to use! Well....so far anyway! I hope to lose around 35 - 40 lbs and I hope by keeping track, I will finally succeed!! I have fallen off the weight loss wagon so many times....I'm bruised from top to bottom!! haha I really hope to make a go of it this time. The only question I have is how to get my ticker onto my signature place?? I'm not really computer savvy.....so as simple as can be instructions would be most appreciated!! I have windows xp...if that means anything!!


  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    If you go to the Tools tab up the top, next to reports and community, there is a link to "weight loss tickers" click that, then click "get the code for your ticker" and you will see two boxes of code come up in front of you, copy the code on the left hand side, then come back to community, the link to your signature and paste the coding in there.