is it enough?

the only excersise i do is walking the dog for between 1 and 2 hrs every day, sometimes more, do you think this is enough?


  • LeekLegs
    LeekLegs Posts: 10 Member
    I would just make sure to vary your route. Your body becomes used to an activity once it is done so many times. Obviously, walking 1-2 hours is GREAT! Just makes sure to add some hills if possible! :)
  • victoriashea
    victoriashea Posts: 112
    More is always better, but something's always better than nothing. Is it enough for you to lose weight? Sure. So long as you're not consuming more calories than you burn, you don't technically have to do any exercise at all.
    Exercise is a must for muscle building and optimum fitness though, and shouldn't be disregarded. Try increasing your time with the dog by just a couple minutes every day. See where that gets you.
    Good luck!