Counting Calories of Marinades

MoMoves Posts: 36
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Summer grilling season is upon us, and one of my favorites is to marinate my chicken breast & grill it. :-) But this is my first summer counting calories, and I wonder how to best go about counting the calories of my chicken that's been marinated.

Obviously if my meat has marinaded in a cup of something-something tasty, I actually throw away a majority of that cup in the end, I don't comsume those calories. But at the same time, my marinated chicken must have more calories that throwing it on the grill totally plain.

So, if you have any wisdom on how to best calculate this sort of thing, I want to know! THANKS in advance!


  • bryony_pie
    bryony_pie Posts: 40
    I have wondered this same thing! I think the best thing to try is to measure the amount of marinade you put in the bag with your chicken, and then measure the amount remaining in the bag when the chicken is removed. The difference would be the amount you'll actually be eating. I am going to try that when I start grilling, so I will let you know if it works!
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    My brother figured out a couple of marinades he uses...calories in what he used, subtracted what he throw away, and divided the difference amoungst the meat he cooked. He found that the calorie count was so low that it wasn't an issue. Less than 5 calories per serving.
  • heathhumble
    heathhumble Posts: 178
    That is a great question.Is your marinade homemade or bottled? If its bottled all your info is on the back you.You could make educated guess and add 1 serving to your calories or even half that.As for homemade look at each ingredient serving and go that route by adding them all together. I would like to see what other folks suggest.Good luck.:happy:
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