I totally screwed up

I ate yesterday over by about 1000 cals.....just my confession. I guess the best thing to do is to drink a lot of water today, exercise, and not go over. I've had days like this...about once every 13 or so days...and my weight loss has still been consistent at 1 pd per week. I guess according to mfp I should be losing 2. I need to quit beating myself up here....Question for all, on a daily basis, which thoughts torment you the most about dieting??? Maybe torment is a strong word...what is the thing you most obsess when dieting?


  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I ate yesterday over by about 1000 cals.....just my confession. I guess the best thing to do is to drink a lot of water today, exercise, and not go over. I've had days like this...about once every 13 or so days...and my weight loss has still been consistent at 1 pd per week. I guess according to mfp I should be losing 2. I need to quit beating myself up here....Question for all, on a daily basis, which thoughts torment you the most about dieting??? Maybe torment is a strong word...what is the thing you most obsess when dieting?
  • marskids
    marskids Posts: 296 Member
    In all honesty I don't feel tormented by anything because I don't feel like I am on a diet. I am just choosing to eat better foods. Somedays my choices are better than others but I'm happy and enjoying life. What more could I ask for??................hum
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I didn't have a great weekend either. this was the first time i messed up in a while and it is bothering me also. I am back on today and am just remembering how miserable i was at my highest weight. I am not tormented but i am aggravated because i have to the tools not to screw up and I made the choice to eat some really unhealthy things but i can not change yesterday so i am moving on today with a little extra exercise and eating healthy again hang in there we all have a bad day occassionally
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    I ate yesterday over by about 1000 cals.....just my confession. I guess the best thing to do is to drink a lot of water today, exercise, and not go over. I've had days like this...about once every 13 or so days...and my weight loss has still been consistent at 1 pd per week. I guess according to mfp I should be losing 2. I need to quit beating myself up here....Question for all, on a daily basis, which thoughts torment you the most about dieting???
    The only time I feel tormented is when I walk into the kitchen and someone left a mess for me to clean up AND I can't cook my meal until it's done. Crazy! Crazy! Crazy! Happened this AM... Had to was stuff just to make breakfast. Arrrgh! :grumble: OK - now that I said it here, I'm over it, just made me feel a little sabotaged.... Taking a deep breath and grabbing a bottle of water. :wink:
  • frithir
    frithir Posts: 179 Member
    When I work and work and faithfully stay within calories and don't cheat and exercise, exercise, exercise and nothing is happening ~ no inches lost, no weight lost......nada zilch zip for several weeks
    :sad: :sick:
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    In all honesty I don't feel tormented by anything because I don't feel like I am on a diet. I am just choosing to eat better foods. Somedays my choices are better than others but I'm happy and enjoying life. What more could I ask for??................hum

    I really like how you put this. Some days I choose better then others. The only thing I would add to your statement is the addition of exercise. Try to choose good foods and make time to exercise.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Sometimes, you just HAVE to go over your calories.

    I've read a lot about calorie shifting, which entails over-doing it at certain meals, and under-doing it at others, in order to keep the body guessing what to expect. When you give your body the same calories, at the same times every day, it reaches homeostasis, and can cause a plateau to develop (and keep in mind this is not the only reason a body will plateau - there are a few reasons).

    So going over your calories every once in awhile won't undo all the good you've done, and may actually help prevent you from reaching plateau. You just don't want to do it all the time.

    Whatever you do, don't give up, don't despair, and start over again immediately - tomorrow is a new day!!! :flowerforyou:

    What torments me? Wondering when I'll wake up and realize that losing 16 lbs was just a mistake!
  • tweety3
    tweety3 Posts: 118
    Guys, guys, guys... stop the beating of your beautiful selves!!!! We all make some choices once in a while that arent the healthiest, the important thing is that you know what those are, you have them logged, and the next time you head in that direction, pull them up on your food logs and LOOK at them!! You can curb your behavior so you wont have to feel bad after ward.

    Now back to my original thought, stop beating yourself up over it. You didnt get where you are over night, you spent years developing the behaviors that got you there, so it takes some time to retrain your behaviors now. Beating yourself up will only make you feel worse. instead, praise yourself for the good days you have had and use those great feelings to get yourself back on track! It was only one day. I know we cant make excuses every time it happens, but really, your doing such great work, use that to focus your attentions.

    Do you have an MFP buddy?? I have formed a GREAT relationshiop with an MFP member (luv ya girl!!) and we check in every day. I know that helps me stay accountable. Of course I cheat and have bad choice days( Just had to confess to her I had two of them..haha) but we encourage each other daily, and getting to brag my success to someone who kinda knows me, realy helps!!
    Ok.... I am off my soap box now.
    Have a great day!!